init?(descriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor)
Overview 概要
is the abstract superclass for classes that instantiate objects called “object specifiers.” An object specifier represents an AppleScript reference form, which is a natural-language expression such as words 10 through 20
or front document
or words whose color is red
The scripting system maps these words or phrases to attributes and relationships of scriptable objects. A reference form rarely occurs in isolation; usually a script statement consists of a series of reference forms preceded by a command and typically connected to each other by of
, such as:
get words whose color is blue of paragraph 10 of front document
The expression words whose color is blue of paragraph 10 of front document
specifies a location in the application's AppleScript object model—the objects the application makes available to scripters. The classes of objects in the object model often closely match the classes of actual objects in the application, but they are not required to. An object specifier locates objects in the running application that correspond to the specified object model objects.
表現words whose color is blue of paragraph 10 of front document
はアプリケーションのもつAppleScriptオブジェクトモデル — アプリケーションがスクリプトを書く人に利用可能にするオブジェクトそれら — の中のある位置を指定します。オブジェクトモデルの中のオブジェクトそれらのクラスは、しばしば細かい点に至るまでアプリケーションの中の実際のオブジェクトのクラスそれらと一致します、しかしそれらがそうであるのは必須とされません。オブジェクト指定子は、実行中のアプリケーションの中のオブジェクトいくつかの位置を突き止めます、それらは指定されたオブジェクトモデルのオブジェクトに相当します。
Your application typically creates object specifiers when it implements the object
method for its scriptable classes. That method is defined by the NSScriptObjectSpecifiers protocol.
It is unlikely that you would ever need to create your own subclass of NSScript
; the set of valid AppleScript reference forms is determined by Apple Computer and object specifier classes are already implemented for this set. If for some reason you do need to create a subclass, you must override the primitive method indices
to return indices to the elements within the container whose values are matched with the child specifier’s key. In addition, you probably need to declare any special instance variables and implement an initializer that invokes super’s designated initializer, init(container
, and initializes these variables.
のサブクラスを作成する必要はいつもはありません;有効なAppleScript参照形式の集合はApple Computerによって決定されます、そしてオブジェクト指定子クラスそれらは既にこの集合に対して実装されます。なんらかの理由のためにあなたがサブクラスを作成する必要があるならば、あなたは基本メソッドindices
For a comprehensive treatment of object specifiers, including sample code, see Object Specifiers in Cocoa Scripting Guide. サンプルコードを含む、オブジェクト指定子の網羅的な取り扱いとして、オブジェクト指定子をCocoaスクリプティングガイドで見てください。