Instance Property インスタンスプロパティ


A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is tracking work that you can pause. あるブール値、それはレシーバが、あなたが一時停止できる仕事を追跡しているかどうかを指し示します。

Declaration 宣言

@property(getter=isPausable) BOOL pausable;

Discussion 議論

By default, NSProgress objects aren’t pausable.

You typically use this property to communicate whether controls for pausing appear in a progress-reporting user interface. NSProgress itself doesn’t do anything with this property other than help pass the value from progress reporters to progress observers.

If an NSProgress is pausable, implement the ability to pause either by setting a block for the pausingHandler property, or by polling the paused property periodically while performing the relevant work.

It’s valid for the value of this property to change during the lifetime of an NSProgress object. By default, NSProgress is KVO-compliant for this property. It sends notifications on the same thread that updates the property.

See Also 参照

Reporting Progress 進捗を報告する