Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Retrieves the current thread’s progress object, executes the specified block, and increments the progress object by the specified units of work. 現在のスレッドのもつ進捗オブジェクトを取って来ます、指定されたプロックを遂行します、そして進捗オブジェクトをその指定された仕事の単位だけ漸増します。

Declaration 宣言

- (void)performAsCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:(int64_t)unitCount 
                                  usingBlock:(void (^)(void))work;

Discussion 議論

Use this function as a convenience method to wrap an existing method or block to increment the current progress object. This function retrieves the current progress object, does the work you specify in the block. When the block is complete, this function increments the current progress object. This function is the same as calling becomeCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:, doing the work you specify in the block, and calling resignCurrent.

See Also 参照

Accessing the Current Progress Object 現在の進捗オブジェクトにアクセスする