Interprets the receiver as a system-independent path and fills a buffer with a C-string in a format and encoding suitable for use with file-system calls.
Upon return, contains a C-string that represent the receiver as as a system-independent path, plus the NULL termination byte. The size of buffer must be large enough to contain maxLength bytes.
The maximum number of bytes in the string to return in buffer (including a terminating NULL character, which this method adds).bufferにおいて返す文字列における最大限のバイト数(終端NULL文字を含めて、それはこのメソッドが追加するものです)。
Return Value
true if buffer is successfully filled with a file-system representation, otherwise false (for example, if maxLength would be exceeded or if the receiver can’t be represented in the file system’s encoding).true、もしbufferがうまくファイルシステム表現で満たされるならば、そうでなければfalse(例えば、maxLengthが超過されるならば、またはレシーバがファイルシステムの持つ符号化で表現できないならば)。
This method operates by replacing the abstract path and extension separator characters (‘/’ and ‘.’ respectively) with their equivalents for the operating system. If the system-specific path or extension separator appears in the abstract representation, the characters it is converted to depend on the system (unless they’re identical to the abstract separators).
このメソッドは、抽象的なパスおよび拡張子の分離子の文字それらを(それぞれ ‘/’ および ‘.’ )オペレーティングシステムのためのそれらの等価物と置き換えることによって演算します。システム特有のパスまたは拡張子の分離子が抽象表現に現れるならば、それら文字はシステムに依存して変換されます(それらが抽象的な分離子と同一である場合を除いて)。
Note that this method only works with file paths (not, for example, string representations of URLs).
The following example illustrates the use of the maxLength argument. The first method invocation returns failure as the file representation of the string (@"/mach_kernel") is 12 bytes long and the value passed as the maxLength argument (12) does not allow for the addition of a NULL termination byte.
char filenameBuffer[13];BOOL success;success = [@"/mach_kernel" getFileSystemRepresentation:filenameBuffer maxLength:12];// success == NO// Changing the length to include the NULL character does worksuccess = [@"/mach_kernel" getFileSystemRepresentation:filenameBuffer maxLength:13];// success == YES
Returns a string built from the strings in a given array by concatenating them with a path separator between each pair.
Interprets the receiver as a path in the file system and attempts to perform filename completion, returning a numeric value that indicates whether a match was possible, and by reference the longest path that matches the receiver.
A new string that replaces the current home directory portion of the current path with a tilde (~) character.
Returns a new string made by appending to the receiver an extension separator followed by a given extension.
A new string made by deleting the last path component from the receiver, along with any final path separator.
Returns an array of strings made by separately appending to the receiver each string in a given array.