Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Returns the difference in seconds between the receiver and Greenwich Mean Time at a given date. ある与えられた日付でのレシーバとグリニッジ標準時の間の秒での現在の差異。

Declaration 宣言

func secondsFromGMT(for aDate: Date) -> Int

Parameters パラメータ


The date against which to test the receiver. それに対してレシーバをテストすることになる日付。

Return Value 戻り値

The difference in seconds between the receiver and Greenwich Mean Time at aDate. aDateでのレシーバとグリニッジ標準時の間の秒での差異。

Discussion 議論

The difference may be different from the current difference if the time zone changes its offset from GMT at different points in the year—for example, the U.S. time zones change with daylight saving time.

See Also 参照

Getting Time Zone Information タイムゾーン情報を得る