Set this property to a value that identifies the user activity so you can later delete it with deleteSavedUserActivities(withPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:). For example, if the user checks the weather for Cupertino each morning from home, the weather app sets the persistent identifier to the city name (Cupertino). When the user deletes Cupertino from the weather app, the app deletes the user activity associated with the identifier, "Cupertino".
このプロパティをユーザアクティビティを識別する値に設定してください、それであなたは後でそれをdeleteSavedUserActivities(withPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:)で削除できます。例えば、ユーザがCupertinoの天気を毎朝自宅から確認するならば、天気アプリは永続識別子をその市の名前(Cupertino)に設定します。ユーザがCupertinoを天気アプリから削除する場合、そのアプリは識別子、"Cupertino" と結びつけられたユーザアクティビティを削除します。
Listing 1 Example of setting the persistent identifier to a city name in a fictitious weather app.コード出力 1 永続識別子をある市名へと架空の天気アプリにおいて設定する例。
let userActivity =NSUserActivity(activityType: WeatherLookup.userActivityType)userActivity.persistentIdentifier ="Cupertino"
A set of keys that represent the minimal information about the activity that should be stored for later restoration.
A dictionary containing app-specific state information needed to continue an activity on another device.