Generic Initializer


Creates a person name components object from a given string by applying the provided parsing strategy.

Declaration 宣言

init<S>(_ value: S.ParseInput, strategy: S) throws where S : ParseStrategy, S.ParseOutput == PersonNameComponents

Parameters パラメータ


A string to parse into person name components.


The strategy used to parse a string into person name components.

Discussion 議論

This method uses a combination of locale rules and the provided parse strategy object to determine the most likely name components for a particular string representation. Parsing name components from a representation created for an existing name components object may not produce equivalent results. 既存の名前構成要素オブジェクトに対して作成されたある表現から名前構成要素を構文解析することは、同等の結果を生成しないかもしれません。

See Also 参照

Parsing Person Name Components