Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Sends an interrupt signal to the receiver and all of its subtasks. 割り込み信号をレシーバとそれの下位タスクの全てに送ります。

Declaration 宣言

func interrupt()

Discussion 議論

If the task terminates as a result, which is the default behavior, an didTerminateNotification gets sent to the default notification center. This method has no effect if the receiver was already launched and has already finished executing. タスクが結果として終了するならば、それは初期状態の挙動です、didTerminateNotificationが省略時の通知センターに送られます。このメソッドは、レシーバが既に起動されたそして既に遂行を終了するならば、効果を持ちません。 If the system hasn’t launched the receiver, this method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

It isn’t always possible to interrupt the receiver because it might be ignoring the interrupt signal. The interrupt() method sends SIGINT.

See Also 参照

Running and Stopping a Process