Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Sets the progress object as the current object of the current thread, and assigns the amount of work for the next suboperation progress object to perform. 進捗オブジェクトを現在のスレッドの現在のオブジェクトとして設定します、そして次の下位演算進捗オブジェクトに対する仕事の量を実行に割り当てます。

Declaration 宣言

func becomeCurrent(withPendingUnitCount unitCount: Int64)

Parameters パラメータ


The number of units of work for the next progress object that initializes when you invoke init(parent:userInfo:) in the current thread with this progress object as the containing progress object.

The number represents the portion of work to perform in relation to the total number of units of work, which is the value of the progress object’s totalUnitCount property. The units of work for this parameter must be the same units of work in the progress object’s totalUnitCount property.

Discussion 議論

Use this method to build a tree of progress objects, as Reporting Progress for Multiple Operations describes.

See Also 参照

Accessing the Current Progress Object 現在の進捗オブジェクトにアクセスする