var calendar: Calendar!
The calendar to use for formatting values that don’t have an inherent calendar of their own.
var dateTimeStyle : RelativeDateTimeFormatter.DateTimeStyle
The style to use when describing a relative date, for example “yesterday” or “1 day ago”.
ある相対日付を記述する時に使う様式、例えば “yesterday” または “1 day ago”。
enum RelativeDateTimeFormatter.DateTimeStyle
A type that represents the style to use when formatting relative dates, such as “1 week ago” or “last week”.
ある型、それは相対日付を書式設定する時に使う様式を表します、たとえば “1 week ago” または “last week”。
var unitsStyle : RelativeDateTimeFormatter.UnitsStyle
The style to use when formatting the quantity or the name of the unit, such as “1 day ago” or “one day ago”.
単位の量または名前を書式設定する時に使う様式、たとえば “1 day ago” または “one day ago”。
enum RelativeDateTimeFormatter.UnitsStyle
A type that represents the style to use when formatting the units of relative dates.
var formattingContext : Formatter.Context
A description of where the formatted string will appear, allowing the formatter to capitalize the output appropriately.