var calendar: Calendar!
The calendar to use for formatting values that don’t have an inherent calendar of their own.
var locale: Locale!
The locale to use when formatting the date.
var dateTimeStyle : RelativeDateTimeFormatter.DateTimeStyle
The style to use when describing a relative date, for example “yesterday” or “1 day ago”.
ある相対日付を記述する時に使う様式、例えば “yesterday” または “1 day ago”。
enum RelativeDateTimeFormatter.DateTimeStyle
A type that represents the style to use when formatting relative dates, such as “1 week ago” or “last week”.
ある型、それは相対日付を書式設定する時に使う様式を表します、たとえば “1 week ago” または “last week”。
enum RelativeDateTimeFormatter.UnitsStyle
A type that represents the style to use when formatting the units of relative dates.
var formattingContext : Formatter.Context
A description of where the formatted string will appear, allowing the formatter to capitalize the output appropriately.