func readData (ofMinLength : Int, maxLength : Int, timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler : (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void)
The data to be written. 書き出されるデータ。
Availability 有効性
func write(_ data: Data
timeout: TimeInterval
completionHandler: @escaping (Error
?) -> Void
The data to be written. 書き出されるデータ。
A timeout for writing bytes. If the write is not completed within the specified interval, the write is canceled and the completion
is called with an error. Pass 0
to prevent a write from timing out.
The completion handler to call when all bytes are written, or an error occurs. This handler is executed on the delegate queue. 全てのバイトが書き出される、またはエラーが発生する時に呼び出されることになる完了ハンドラ。このハンドラは、委任先キュー上で遂行されます。
This completion handler takes the following parameter: この完了ハンドラは、以下のパラメータを取ります:
An error object that indicates why the write failed, or nil
if the write was successful.
Concurrency Note 並行性注意
You can call this method from synchronous code using a completion handler, as shown on this page, or you can call it as an asynchronous method that has the following declaration: あなたは、このメソッドを同期コードから完了ハンドラを使って呼び出せます、このページで示されるように、またはあなたはそれを以下の宣言を持つ非同期メソッドとして呼び出せます:
func write(_ data: Data, timeout: TimeInterval) async throws
For information about concurrency and asynchronous code in Swift, see Calling Objective-C APIs Asynchronously. Swiftにおける並行性と非同期コードについての情報として、Objective-C APIを非同期に呼び出すを見てください。
There is no guarantee that the remote side of the stream has received all of the written bytes at the time that completion
is called, only that all of the data has been written to the kernel.
func readData (ofMinLength : Int, maxLength : Int, timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler : (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void)