Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Requests permission from the Font panel delegate to display the given font name in the Font panel.

Declaration 宣言

func fontManager(_ sender: Any, 
 willIncludeFont fontName: String) -> Bool

Parameters パラメータ


The font manager making the request.


The full PostScript name of the font to display, such as Helvetica-BoldOblique or Helvetica-Narrow-Bold.

Return Value 戻り値

If the Font panel delegate returns true, fontName is listed; if the delegate returns false, it isn’t.

Discussion 解説

In macOS versions 10.2 and earlier, this method is invoked repeatedly as necessary whenever the Font panel needs updating, such as when the Font panel is first loaded, and when the user selects a family name to see which typefaces in that family are available. Your implementation should execute fairly quickly to ensure the responsiveness of the Font panel.

See Also 参照
