
A collection of methods that provide additional capabilities for working with key-value coding. キー値コーディングを扱うための追加能力を提供するメソッドのいちコレクション。

Overview 概要

Cocoa scripting takes advantage of key-value coding to get and set information in scriptable objects. Cocoaスクリプティングは、「キー値」コーディングを利用して、スクリプト対応オブジェクの中の情報を取得及び設定します。 The methods in this category provide additional capabilities for working with key-value coding, including getting and setting key values by index in multi-value keys and coercing (or converting) a key value. Additional methods allow the implementer of a scriptable container class to provide fast access to elements that are being referenced by name and unique ID.

Because Cocoa scripting invokes setValue(_:forKey:) and mutableArrayValue(forKey:), changes to model objects made by AppleScript scripts are observable using automatic key-value observing.

Topics 話題

Indexed access

Access by name, key, or ID


Constants 定数

See Also 参照

NSObject Script Support NSObjectスクリプトサポート

Related Documentation 関連文書