Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given error-throwing transformation with each element of this sequence.
An error-throwing mapping closure. transform accepts an element of this sequence as its parameter and returns an AsyncSequence. If transform throws an error, the sequence ends.
Return Value
A single, flattened asynchronous sequence that contains all elements in all the asychronous sequences produced by transform. The sequence ends either when the the last sequence created from the last element from base sequence ends, or when transform throws an error.
Use this method to receive a single-level asynchronous sequence when your transformation produces an asynchronous sequence for each element.
In this example, an asynchronous sequence called Counter produces Int values from 1 to 5. The transforming closure takes the received Int and returns a new Counter that counts that high. For example, when the transform receives 3 from the base sequence, it creates a new Counter that produces the values 1, 2, and 3. The flatMap(_:) method “flattens” the resulting sequence-of-sequences into a single AsyncSequence. However, when the closure receives 4, it throws an error, terminating the sequence.
この例において、Counterと呼ばれる非同期シーケンスは、Int値を1から5まで生み出します。変換クロージャは、その受け取ったIntをとり、そしてその高さを数える新しいCounterを返します。例えば、変換が3を基底シーケンスから受け取る場合、それは新しいCounterを作成します、そしてそれが値1、2、そして3を生み出します。flatMap(_:)メソッドは、結果のシーケンスのシーケンスを単一のAsyncSequenceへと “平坦にします”。しかしながら、クロージャが4を受け取る場合、それはシーケンスを終端して、エラーをスローします。
do {let stream =Counter(howHigh: 5) .flatMap { (value) -> Counterinif value ==4 {throwMyError() }returnCounter(howHigh: value) }fortryawait number in stream { print ("\(number)", terminator: " ") }} catch {print(error)}// Prints: 1 1 2 1 2 3 MyError()
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given error-throwing closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
An asynchronous sequence that maps the given error-throwing closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
An asynchronous sequence that maps a given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps an error-throwing closure over the base sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
An asynchronous sequence that maps an error-throwing closure over the base sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
An asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling a given transformation with each element of this sequence.
An asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling a given error-throwing transformation with each element of this sequence.
Returns the result of combining the elements of the asynchronous sequence using the given closure, given a mutable initial value.