A collection containing a single element.
iOS 8.0+
iPadOS 8.0+
macOS 10.10+
Mac Catalyst 13.0+
tvOS 9.0+
watchOS 2.0+
Xcode 6.0.1+
Swift Standard Library
You can use a CollectionOfOne instance when you need to efficiently represent a single value as a collection. For example, you can add a single element to an array by using a CollectionOfOne instance with the concatenation operator (+):
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4]let toAdd =100let b = a +CollectionOfOne(toAdd)// b == [1, 2, 3, 4, 100]
A sequence containing the same elements as this sequence, but on which some operations, such as map and filter, are implemented lazily.
Returns an array containing the non-nil results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence contains an element that satisfies the given predicate.
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection.
Available when Element conforms to Equatable.ElementがEquatableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection, using the given predicate as an equivalence test.
Returns a subsequence by skipping elements while predicate returns true and returning the remaining elements.predicateがtrueを返す間は要素を飛ばして残りの要素を返すことによって、ある下位シーケンスを返します。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain the same elements in the same order.
Available when Element conforms to Equatable.ElementがEquatableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain equivalent elements in the same order, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents a consecutive integer starting at zero and x represents an element of the sequence.
ペア (n, x) のシーケンスを返します、そこでnはゼロで開始する連続した数を表して、xはシーケンスの要素を表します。
Returns an array containing the concatenated results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
Offsets the given index by the specified distance, or so that it equals the given limiting index.
Returns an index that is the specified distance from the given index, unless that distance is beyond a given limiting index.
Returns the concatenated elements of this sequence of sequences, inserting the given separator between each element.
Available when Element conforms to Sequence.ElementがSequenceに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a new string by concatenating the elements of the sequence, adding the given separator between each element.
Available when Element is String.ElementがStringである時に利用可能です。
Returns a new string by concatenating the elements of the sequence, adding the given separator between each element.
Available when Element conforms to StringProtocol.ElementがStringProtocolに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the less-than operator (<) to compare elements.
Available when Element conforms to Comparable.ElementがComparableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the given predicate to compare elements.
Reorders the elements of the collection such that all the elements that match the given predicate are after all the elements that don’t match.
Returns a subsequence, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the collection.
Returns a subsequence containing the initial elements until predicate returns false and skipping the remaining elements.predicateがfalseを返すまで冒頭の要素を含んでいて残りの要素を飛ばしている、ある下位シーケンスを返します。
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, that don’t contain elements satisfying the given predicate.
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
Available when Element conforms to Equatable.ElementがEquatableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the sequence, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
Available when Element conforms to Equatable.ElementがEquatableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in another sequence.
Available when Element conforms to Equatable.ElementがEquatableに準拠する時に利用可能です。
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are equivalent to the elements in another sequence, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.