Grouping Related Objective-C Constants
Add macros to your Objective-C types to group their values in Swift.
You use one of the following macros to declare that several Objective-C constants are related to each other:
NS_ENUM for simple enumerationsNS_ENUMを単純な列挙に対して
NS_CLOSED_ENUM for simple enumerations that can never gain new casesNS_CLOSED_ENUMを決して新しいケース節が増えることが出来ない単純な列挙に対して
NS_OPTIONS for enumerations whose cases can be grouped into sets of optionsNS_OPTIONSを、それのケース節がひとそろいのオプションへとグループにできる列挙に対して
NS_TYPED_ENUM for enumerations with a raw value type that you specifyNS_TYPED_ENUMを、あなたが指定する生の値型を使う列挙に対して
NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM for enumerations that you expect might gain more casesNS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUMを、もっとケース節が増えることをあなたが予想する列挙に対して
Declare Simple Enumerations
Use the NS_ENUM macro for simple groups of constants.NS_ENUMマクロを、単純な定数のグループに対して使ってください。
The example below uses the macro to declare a UITableViewCellStyle enumeration that groups several different view styles for table views:
In Swift, the UITableViewCellStyle enumeration is imported like this:
enumUITableViewCellStyle: Int {case `default`case value1case value2case subtitle}
Enumerations imported using the NS_ENUM macro won't fail when you initialize one with a raw value that does not correspond to an enumeration case. This characteristic facilitates compatibility with C, which allows any value to be stored in an enumeration, including values used internally but not exposed in headers.NS_ENUMマクロを使ってインポートされる列挙は、あなたが列挙ケース節に一致しない生の値を持つものを初期化する場合に、失敗しません。この特徴は、Cとの互換性を容易にします、それはどんな値も列挙に格納されることを許します、内部的に使われるがヘッダに暴露されない値も含めて。
The NS_ENUM macro is the only enumeration macro that results in an actual enumeration type when imported to Swift. The other enumeration macros generate structures.NS_ENUMマクロは、Swiftにインポートされる場合に実際の列挙型という結果になるただ1つの列挙マクロです。他の列挙マクロは、構造体を生成します。
Don't use the NS_CLOSED_ENUM macro if:NS_CLOSED_ENUMを使わないでください、もし:
You've ever added cases to an enumeration after its initial declaration
You can think of additional cases you might add later
The enumeration has any private cases
In these scenarios, use the NS_ENUM macro instead.
Declare Option Sets
You use the NS_OPTIONS macro when two or more constants in a grouping of constants can be combined. For example, the output formatting for a JSONEncoder instance can be sorted and can use ample white space at the same time, so it's valid to specify both options in an option set: [.sorted, .prettyPrinted].
あなたは、NS_OPTIONSマクロを、ある定数グループの中の2つ以上の定数が結合可能である場合に使います。例えば、JSONEncoderインスタンスに対する出力書式設定は、ソート可能です、そして同時に豊富な空白を使用可能です、それでそれは両方のオプションをあるオプションセットにおいて指定することは有効です:[.sorted, .prettyPrinted]。
The example below shows how to apply the NS_OPTIONS macro and assign raw values that are mutually exclusive:
The increasing sequence of nonnegative integers used along with the bitwise left shift operator (<<) ensures that each option in the option set takes up a unique bit in the binary representation of the raw value.
Here's how the UIViewAutoresizing type is imported to Swift:
publicstructUIViewAutoresizing: OptionSet {publicinit(rawValue: UInt)publicstaticvar flexibleLeftMargin: UIViewAutoresizing { get }publicstaticvar flexibleWidth: UIViewAutoresizing { get }publicstaticvar flexibleRightMargin: UIViewAutoresizing { get }publicstaticvar flexibleTopMargin: UIViewAutoresizing { get }publicstaticvar flexibleHeight: UIViewAutoresizing { get }publicstaticvar flexibleBottomMargin: UIViewAutoresizing { get }}
Declare Typed Enumerations
You use the NS_TYPED_ENUM to group constants with a raw value type that you specify. Use NS_TYPED_ENUM for sets of constants that can't logically have values added in a Swift extension, and use NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM for sets of constants that can be expanded in an extension.
The example below uses the NS_TYPED_ENUM macro to declare the different colors used by a traffic light:
// Store the three traffic light color options as 0, 1, and 2.typedeflong TrafficLightColor NS_TYPED_ENUM;TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorRed;TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorYellow;TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorGreen;
The number of colors that a traffic light uses isn't expected to grow, so it's not declared to be extensible.
Here's how the TrafficLightColor type is imported to Swift:
structTrafficLightColor: RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {typealiasRawValue=Intinit(rawValue: RawValue)var rawValue: RawValue { get }staticvar red: TrafficLightColor { get }staticvar yellow: TrafficLightColor { get }staticvar green: TrafficLightColor { get }}
Extensible enumerations are imported in a similar fashion to nonextensible ones, except that they receive an additional initializer.
The examples below show how a FavoriteColor type is declared, imported, and extended. The first one declares the FavoriteColor type and adds a single enumeration case for the color blue:
Use nullability annotations or mark regions as annotated to control how Objective-C declarations are imported into Swift.