Marking API Availability in Objective-C
Use a macro to denote the availability of an Objective-C API.aマクロを使って、Objective-C APIの利用可能性を示してください。
In Swift, you use the @available attribute to control whether a declaration is available to use when building an app for a particular target platform. Similarly, you use the availability condition #available to execute code conditionally based on required platform and version conditions. Both kinds of availability specifier are also available in Objective-C.
This is equivalent to using the @available attribute on a declaration in Swift:
@available(iOS11, macOS10.13, *)funcnewMethod() {// Use iOS 11 APIs.}
Check Availability
Use the @available() keyword to check availability information in a conditional statement in Objective-C:@available()キーワードを使って、利用可能性情報をObjective-Cの条件文で確認してください:
if (@available(iOS 11, *)) {// Use iOS 11 APIs.} else {// Alternative code for earlier versions of iOS.}
This is equivalent to the following conditional in Swift:
if#available(iOS11, *) {// Use iOS 11 APIs.} else {// Alternative code for earlier versions of iOS.}
Use nullability annotations or mark regions as annotated to control how Objective-C declarations are imported into Swift.