Instance Property インスタンスプロパティ


The result or error from a throwing task, after it completes.

Declaration 宣言

var result: Result<Success, Failure> { get async }

Return Value 戻り値

If the task succeeded, .success with the task’s result as the associated value; otherwise, .failure with the error as the associated value.

Discussion 解説

If the task hasn’t completed, accessing this property waits for it to complete and its priority increases to that of the current task. Note that this might not be as effective as creating the task with the correct priority, depending on the executor’s scheduling details. これはタスクを正しい優先度で作成するのと同じくらい効果的でないかもしれないことに注意してください、エグゼキュータのもつ予定の仕方の詳細に依存しています。

See Also 参照

Accessing Results 結果にアクセスする