Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Adds a child task to the group.

Declaration 宣言

mutating func addTask(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> ChildTaskResult)

Discussion 解説

This method doesn’t throw an error, even if the child task does. このメソッドは、エラーをスローしません、たとえ子タスクがするとしても。 Instead, the corresponding call to rethrows that error.

  • overridingPriority: The priority of the operation task. Omit this parameter or pass .unspecified to set the child task’s priority to the priority of the group.

  • operation: The operation to execute as part of the task group.

See Also 参照

Adding Tasks to a Throwing Task Group タスクそれらをあるスローするタスクグループに加える