A directional indicator you use when making an accessibility adjustment.
Availability 有効性
- iOS 13.0+
- iPadOS 13.0+
- macOS 10.15+
- Mac Catalyst 13.0+
- tvOS 13.0+
- watchOS 6.0+
- Swift
Declaration 宣言
enum AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection
Topics 話題
Specifying an Adjustment Direction 調節方向を指定する
Comparing Adjustment Directions 調節方向を比較する
static func == (AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection , AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection ) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.
func hash(into: inout Hasher)
Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the given hasher.
var hashValue : Int
The hash value.
Default Implementations 省略時実装
See Also 参照
func accessibilityAction (AccessibilityActionKind , () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction (named: Text, () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction <S>(named: S, () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction (named: LocalizedStringKey , () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction <Label>(action: () -> Void, label: () -> Label) -> some View
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAdjustableAction ((AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection ) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility adjustable action to the view.
Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityScrollAction ((Edge) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility scroll action to the view.
Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
struct AccessibilityActionKind
The structure that defines the kinds of available accessibility actions.