func accessibilityAction (AccessibilityActionKind , () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction (named: Text, () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction (named: LocalizedStringKey , () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAction <Label>(action: () -> Void, label: () -> Label) -> some View
Adds an accessibility action to the view. Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityAdjustableAction ((AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection ) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility adjustable action to the view.
Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
func accessibilityScrollAction ((Edge) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent <Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier >
Adds an accessibility scroll action to the view.
Actions allow assistive technologies, such as the VoiceOver, to interact with the view by invoking the action.
struct AccessibilityActionKind
The structure that defines the kinds of available accessibility actions.
enum AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection
A directional indicator you use when making an accessibility adjustment.