

Create a Rotor entry with a specific label, identifier and namespace, and with an optional range.

Declaration 宣言

init<L>(_ label: L, _ id: ID, in namespace: Namespace.ID, textRange: Range<String.Index>? = nil, prepare: @escaping (() -> Void) = {}) where L : StringProtocol

Parameters パラメータ


Localized string used to show this Rotor entry to users.


Used to find the UI element associated with this Rotor entry. This identifier and namespace should match a call to accessibilityRotorEntry(id:in).


Namespace for this identifier. Should match a call to accessibilityRotorEntry(id:in).


Optional range of text associated with this Rotor entry. This should be a range within text that is set as the accessibility label or accessibility value of the associated element.


Optional closure to run before a Rotor entry is navigated to, to prepare the UI as needed. This should be used to bring the Accessibility element on-screen, if scrolling is needed to get to it.