Type Property 型プロパティ


The default toggle style. 省略時のトグルスタイル。

Declaration 宣言

static var automatic: DefaultToggleStyle { get }
Available when Self is DefaultToggleStyle.

Discussion 議論

Use this ToggleStyle to let SwiftUI pick a suitable style for the current platform and context. Toggles use the automatic style by default, but you might need to set it explicitly using the toggleStyle(_:) modifier to override another style in the environment. For example, you can request automatic styling for a toggle in an HStack that’s otherwise configured to use the button style:

HStack {
    Toggle(isOn: $isShuffling) {
        Label("Shuffle", systemImage: "shuffle")
    Toggle(isOn: $isRepeating) {
        Label("Repeat", systemImage: "repeat")


    Toggle("Enhance Sound", isOn: $isEnhanced)
        .toggleStyle(.automatic) // Set the style automatically here.
.toggleStyle(.button) // Use button style for toggles in the stack.

Platform Defaults

The automatic style produces an appearance that varies by platform, using the following styles in most contexts:


Default style

iOS, iPadOS





A tvOS-specific button style (see below)



The default style for tvOS behaves like a button. However, unlike the button style that’s available in some other platforms, the tvOS toggle takes as much horizontal space as its parent offers, and displays both the toggle’s label and a text field that indicates the toggle’s state. You typically collect tvOS toggles into a List:

List {
    Toggle("Show Lyrics", isOn: $isShowingLyrics)
    Toggle("Shuffle", isOn: $isShuffling)
    Toggle("Repeat", isOn: $isRepeating)

A screenshot of three buttons labeled Show Lyrics, Shuffle, and

Contextual Defaults

A toggle’s automatic appearance varies in certain contexts:

  • A toggle that appears as part of the content that you provide to one of the toolbar modifiers, like toolbar(content:), uses the button style by default.

  • A toggle in a Menu uses a style that you can’t create explicitly:

    Menu("Playback") {
        Toggle("Show Lyrics", isOn: $isShowingLyrics)
        Toggle("Shuffle", isOn: $isShuffling)
        Toggle("Repeat", isOn: $isRepeating)

    SwiftUI shows the toggle’s label with a checkmark that appears only in the on state:



    iOS, iPadOS

    A screenshot of a Playback menu in iOS showing three menu items with the labels Repeat, Shuffle, and Show Lyrics. The shuffle item has a checkmark to its left, while the other two items have a blank space to their left.


    A screenshot of a Playback menu in macOS showing three menu items with the labels Repeat, Shuffle, and Show Lyrics. The shuffle item has a checkmark to its left, while the other two items have a blank space to their left.