

A container that presents rows of data arranged in a single column, optionally providing the ability to select one or more members.

Declaration 宣言

struct List<SelectionValue, Content> where SelectionValue : Hashable, Content : View

Overview 概要

In its simplest form, a List creates its contents statically, as shown in the following example:

var body: some View {
    List {
        Text("A List Item")
        Text("A Second List Item")
        Text("A Third List Item")

A vertical list with three text views.

More commonly, you create lists dynamically from an underlying collection of data. The following example shows how to create a simple list from an array of an Ocean type which conforms to Identifiable:

struct Ocean: Identifiable {
    let name: String
    let id = UUID()

private var oceans = [
    Ocean(name: "Pacific"),
    Ocean(name: "Atlantic"),
    Ocean(name: "Indian"),
    Ocean(name: "Southern"),
    Ocean(name: "Arctic")

var body: some View {
    List(oceans) {

A vertical list with five text views, each with the name of an

Supporting Selection in Lists

To make members of a list selectable, provide a binding to a selection variable. Binding to a single instance of the list data’s Identifiable.ID type creates a single-selection list. Binding to a Set creates a list that supports multiple selections. The following example shows how to add multi-select to the previous example. A Text view below the list shows the number of items currently selected.

struct Ocean: Identifiable, Hashable {
    let name: String
    let id = UUID()

private var oceans = [
    Ocean(name: "Pacific"),
    Ocean(name: "Atlantic"),
    Ocean(name: "Indian"),
    Ocean(name: "Southern"),
    Ocean(name: "Arctic")

@State private var multiSelection = Set<UUID>()

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        List(oceans, selection: $multiSelection) {
        .toolbar { EditButton() }
    Text("\(multiSelection.count) selections")

On iOS and tvOS, you must explicitly put the list into edit mode to enable selections. To do that, either add an EditButton to your user interface, or modify the editMode value directly. The example above uses an Edit button, which changes its title to Done while in edit mode:

A navigation view with the title Oceans and an active edit button with

Refreshing the List Content

To make the content of the list refreshable using the standard refresh control, use the refreshable(action:) modifier.

The following example shows how to add a standard refresh control to a list. When the user drags the top of the list downward, SwiftUI reveals the refresh control and executes the specified action. Use an await expression inside the action closure to refresh your data. The refresh indicator remains visible for the duration of the awaited operation.

struct Ocean: Identifiable, Hashable {
     let name: String
     let id = UUID()
     let stats: [String: String]

 class OceanStore: ObservableObject {
     @Published var oceans = [Ocean]()
     func loadStats() async {}

 @EnvironmentObject var store: OceanStore

 var body: some View {
     NavigationView {
         List(store.oceans) { ocean in
             HStack {
                 StatsSummary(stats: ocean.stats) // A custom view for showing statistics.
         .refreshable {
             await store.loadStats()

Supporting Multi-Dimensional Lists

To support two-dimensional lists, your list’s content can create instances of the Section type, which then provide their own contents.

The following example creates sections named after the world’s oceans, each of which has Text children named for major seas attached to those oceans. The example also allows for selection of a single list item, identified by the id of the example’s Sea type.

struct ContentView: View {
    struct Sea: Hashable, Identifiable {
        let name: String
        let id = UUID()

    struct OceanRegion: Identifiable {
        let name: String
        let seas: [Sea]
        let id = UUID()

    private let oceanRegions: [OceanRegion] = [
        OceanRegion(name: "Pacific",
                    seas: [Sea(name: "Australasian Mediterranean"),
                           Sea(name: "Philippine"),
                           Sea(name: "Coral"),
                           Sea(name: "South China")]),
        OceanRegion(name: "Atlantic",
                    seas: [Sea(name: "American Mediterranean"),
                           Sea(name: "Sargasso"),
                           Sea(name: "Caribbean")]),
        OceanRegion(name: "Indian",
                    seas: [Sea(name: "Bay of Bengal")]),
        OceanRegion(name: "Southern",
                    seas: [Sea(name: "Weddell")]),
        OceanRegion(name: "Arctic",
                    seas: [Sea(name: "Greenland")])

    @State private var singleSelection: UUID?

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(selection: $singleSelection) {
                ForEach(oceanRegions) { region in
                    Section(header: Text("Major \( Ocean Seas")) {
                        ForEach(region.seas) { sea in
            .navigationTitle("Oceans and Seas")
            .toolbar { EditButton() }

A vertical list split into sections titled Major Pacific Ocean Seas,

Creating Hierarchical Lists

You can also create a hierarchical list of arbitrary depth by providing tree-structured data and a children parameter that provides a key path to get the child nodes at any level. The following example uses a deeply-nested collection of a custom FileItem type to simulate the contents of a file system. The list created from this data uses collapsing cells to allow the user to navigate the tree structure.

struct ContentView: View {
    struct FileItem: Hashable, Identifiable, CustomStringConvertible {
        var id: Self { self }
        var name: String
        var children: [FileItem]? = nil
        var description: String {
            switch children {
            case nil:
                return "📄 \(name)"
            case .some(let children):
                return children.isEmpty ? "📂 \(name)" : "📁 \(name)"
    let fileHierarchyData: [FileItem] = [
      FileItem(name: "users", children:
        [FileItem(name: "user1234", children:
          [FileItem(name: "Photos", children:
            [FileItem(name: "photo001.jpg"),
             FileItem(name: "photo002.jpg")]),
           FileItem(name: "Movies", children:
             [FileItem(name: "movie001.mp4")]),
              FileItem(name: "Documents", children: [])
         FileItem(name: "newuser", children:
           [FileItem(name: "Documents", children: [])
        FileItem(name: "private", children: nil)
    var body: some View {
        List(fileHierarchyData, children: \.children) { item in

A list providing a drill-down view of a tree structure. Each row

Styling Lists

SwiftUI chooses a display style for a list based on the platform and the view type in which it appears. Use the listStyle(_:) modifier to apply a different ListStyle to all lists within a view. For example, adding .listStyle(.insetGrouped) to the example shown in the “Creating Multi-Dimensional Lists” topic applies the insetGrouped style, as seen in the following screenshot.

A vertical list split into sections titled Major Pacific Ocean Seas,

Topics 話題

Creating a List with Arbitrary Content

Creating a List from a Range

Listing Data

Listing Identifiable Data

Listing Bound Data

Listing Bound, Identifiable Data

Listing Hierarchical Data

Listing Bound, Hierarchical Data

Styling Lists

Supporting Types 支援を行う型

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照
