

A container view that you can use to add hierarchy to certain collection views.

Declaration 宣言

struct Section<Parent, Content, Footer>

Overview 概要

Use Section instances in views like List, Picker, and Form to organize content into separate sections. Each section has custom content that you provide on a per-instance basis. You can also provide headers and footers for each section.

Topics 話題

Creating a Section セクションを作成する

Adding Headers and Footers

Indicating Collapsibility 折りたたみ可能性を指し示す

Deprecated Symbols 非推奨シンボル

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

  • View
    Conforms when Parent conforms to View, Content conforms to View, and Footer conforms to View.

See Also 参照
