

A gesture that succeeds when the user performs a long press. あるジェスチャ、それはユーザが長押しを実行する時に成功します。

Declaration 宣言

struct LongPressGesture

Overview 概要

To recognize a long-press gesture on a view, create and configure the gesture, then add it to the view using the gesture(_:including:) modifier.

Add a long-press gesture to a Circle to animate its color from blue to red, and then change it to green when the gesture ends:

struct LongPressGestureView: View {
    @GestureState var isDetectingLongPress = false
    @State var completedLongPress = false

    var longPress: some Gesture {
        LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 3)
            .updating($isDetectingLongPress) { currentState, gestureState,
                    transaction in
                gestureState = currentState
                transaction.animation = Animation.easeIn(duration: 2.0)
            .onEnded { finished in
                self.completedLongPress = finished

    var body: some View {
            .fill(self.isDetectingLongPress ?
                (self.completedLongPress ? :
            .frame(width: 100, height: 100, alignment: .center)

Topics 話題

Creating a Long Press Gesture

Supporting Types 支援を行う型

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照

Basic Gestures 基本ジェスチャ