Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Attaches a gesture to the view with a lower precedence than gestures defined by the view. ジェスチャをビューに添付します、ビューによって定義されるジェスチャより低い優先度で。

Declaration 宣言

func gesture<T>(_ gesture: T, including mask: GestureMask = .all) -> some View where T : Gesture

Parameters パラメータ


A gesture to attach to the view.


A value that controls how adding this gesture to the view affects other gestures recognized by the view and its subviews. Defaults to all.

Discussion 議論

Use this method when you need to attach a gesture to a view. The example below defines a custom gesture that prints a message to the console and attaches it to the view’s VStack. Inside the VStack a red heart Image defines its own TapGesture handler that also prints a message to the console, and blue rectangle with no custom gesture handlers. Tapping or clicking the image prints a message to the console from the tap gesture handler on the image, while tapping or clicking the rectangle inside the VStack prints a message in the console from the enclosing vertical stack gesture handler.

struct GestureExample: View {
    @State private var message = "Message"
    let newGesture = TapGesture().onEnded {
        print("Tap on VStack.")

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing:25) {
            Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
                .frame(width: 75, height: 75)
                .onTapGesture {
                    print("Tap on image.")
        .frame(width: 200, height: 200)

See Also 参照

Taps and Gestures