Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Modifies the fonts of all child views to use fixed-width digits, if possible, while leaving other characters proportionally spaced.

Declaration 宣言

func monospacedDigit() -> some View

Return Value 戻り値

A view whose child views’ fonts use fixed-width numeric characters, while leaving other characters proportionally spaced.

Discussion 議論

Using fixed-width digits allows you to easily align numbers of the same size in a table-like arrangement. This feature is also known as “tabular figures” or “tabular numbers.”

This modifier only affects numeric characters, and leaves all other characters unchanged.

The following example shows the effect of monospacedDigit() on multiple child views. The example consists of two VStack views inside an HStack. Each VStack contains two Button views, with the second VStack applying the monospacedDigit() modifier to its contents. As a result, the digits in the buttons in the trailing VStack are the same width, which in turn gives the buttons equal widths.

var body: some View {
    HStack(alignment: .top) {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Button("Delete 111 messages") {}
            Button("Delete 222 messages") {}
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Button("Delete 111 messages") {}
            Button("Delete 222 messages") {}
    .navigationTitle("monospacedDigit() Child Views")

A macOS window showing four buttons, arranged in two columns. Each

If a child view’s base font doesn’t support fixed-width digits, the font remains unchanged.