

A control that initiates an action.

Declaration 宣言

struct Button<Label> where Label : View

Overview 概要

You create a button by providing an action and a label. The action is either a method or closure property that does something when a user clicks or taps the button. あなたはボタンを、アクションとラベルを提供することによって作成します。アクションは、あるメソッドまたはクロージャプロパティのどちらかです、それはユーザがボタンをクリックまたはタップする時に何かを行うものです。 The label is a view that describes the button’s action — for example, by showing text, an icon, or both:

Button(action: signIn) {
    Text("Sign In")

For the common case of text-only labels, you can use the convenience initializer that takes a title string or LocalizedStringKey as its first parameter, instead of a trailing closure:

Button("Sign In", action: signIn)

How the user activates the button varies by platform:

  • In iOS and watchOS, the user taps the button.

  • In macOS, the user clicks the button.

  • In tvOS, the user presses “select” on an external remote, like the Siri Remote, while focusing on the button.

The appearance of the button depends on factors like where you place it, whether you assign it a role, and how you style it.

Adding Buttons to Containers ボタンをコンテナに加える

Use buttons for any user interface element that initiates an action. Buttons automatically adapt their visual style to match the expected style within these different containers and contexts. ボタンは、自動的にそれらの視覚的スタイルを、それら異なるコンテナおよび前後関係の内部でその期待されるスタイルに合わせて変えます。 For example, to create a List cell that initiates an action when selected by the user, add a button to the list’s content:

List {
    // Cells that show all the current folders.
    ForEach(folders) { folder in

    // A cell that, when selected, adds a new folder.
    Button(action: addItem) {
        Label("Add Folder", systemImage: "")

A screenshot of a list of four items. The first three items use a

Similarly, to create a context menu item that initiates an action, add a button to the contextMenu(_:) modifier’s content closure:

.contextMenu {
    Button("Cut", action: cut)
    Button("Copy", action: copy)
    Button("Paste", action: paste)

A screenshot of a context menu that contains the three items Cut, Copy,

This pattern extends to most other container views in SwiftUI that have customizable, interactive content, like Form instances.

Assigning a Role

You can optionally initialize a button with a ButtonRole that characterizes the button’s purpose. For example, you can create a destructive button for a deletion action:

 Button("Delete", role: .destructive, action: delete)

The system uses the button’s role to style the button appropriately in every context. For example, a destructive button in a contextual menu appears with a red foreground color:

A screenshot of a context menu that contains the four items Cut, Copy,

If you don’t specify a role for a button, the system applies an appropriate default appearance.

Styling Buttons ボタンのスタイルを指定する

You can customize a button’s appearance using one of the standard button styles, like bordered, and apply the style with the buttonStyle(_:) modifier:

HStack {
    Button("Sign In", action: signIn)
    Button("Register", action: register)

If you apply the style to a container view, as in the example above, all the buttons in the container use the style:

A screenshot of two buttons, side by side, each with a capsule shaped

You can also create custom styles. To add a custom appearance with standard interaction behavior, create a style that conforms to the ButtonStyle protocol. To customize both appearance and interaction behavior, create a style that conforms to the PrimitiveButtonStyle protocol. あつらえの外観を標準相互作用挙動で加えるには、ButtonStyleプロトコルに準拠するあるスタイルを作成してください。外観と相互作用挙動の両方をカスタマイズするには、PrimitiveButtonStyleプロトコルに準拠するあるスタイルを作成してください。 Custom styles can also read the button’s role and use it to adjust the button’s appearance.

Topics 話題

Creating a Button ボタンを作成する

Creating a Button with a Role

Creating a Button from a Configuration

Styling Buttons ボタンのスタイルを指定する

Supporting Types 支援を行う型

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照

Buttons ボタン