Type Property 型プロパティ


A mode that renders symbols as multiple layers, with different opacities applied to the foreground style.

Declaration 宣言

static let hierarchical: SymbolRenderingMode

Discussion 議論

SwiftUI fills the first layer with the foreground style, and the others the secondary, and tertiary variants of the foreground style. You can specify these styles explicitly using the foregroundStyle(_:_:) and foregroundStyle(_:_:_:) modifiers. If you only specify a primary foreground style, SwiftUI automatically derives the others from that style. For example, you can render a filled exclamation mark triangle with purple as the tint color for the exclamation mark, and lower opacity purple for the triangle:

Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill")

See Also 参照

Getting Symbol Rendering Modes