struct ToggleStyleConfiguration
typealias Configuration
associatedtype Body : View
Availability 有効性
func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration
) -> Self.Body
A view that has behavior and appearance that enables it to function as a Toggle
The properties of the toggle, including a label and a binding to the toggle’s state.
Implement this method when you define a custom toggle style that conforms to the Toggle
protocol. Use the configuration
input — a Toggle
instance — to access the toggle’s label and state. Return a view that has the appearance and behavior of a toggle. For example you can create a toggle that displays a label and a circle that’s either empty or filled with a checkmark:
struct ChecklistToggleStyle: ToggleStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
Button {
} label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: configuration.isOn
? ""
: "circle")
The Checklist
toggle style provides a way to both observe and modify the toggle state: the circle fills for the on state, and users can tap or click the toggle to change the state. By using a customized Button
to compose the toggle’s body, SwiftUI automatically provides the behaviors that users expect from a control that has button-like characteristics.
You can present a collection of toggles that use this style in a stack:
When updating a view hierarchy, the system calls your implementation of the make
method for each Toggle
instance that uses the associated style.
Rather than create an entirely new style, you can alternatively modify a toggle’s current style. Use the init(_:)
initializer inside the make
method to create and modify a toggle based on a configuration
value. For example, you can create a style that adds padding and a red border to the current style:
struct RedBorderToggleStyle: ToggleStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
If you create a red
static variable from this style, you can apply the style to toggles that already use another style, like the built-in switch
and button
Toggle("Switch", isOn: $isSwitchOn)
Toggle("Button", isOn: $isButtonOn)
Both toggles appear with the usual styling, each with a red border:
Apply the custom style closer to the toggle than the modified style because SwiftUI evaluates style view modifiers in order from outermost to innermost. If you apply the styles in the other order, the red border style doesn’t have an effect, because the built-in styles override it completely.
struct ToggleStyleConfiguration
typealias Configuration
associatedtype Body : View