Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Applies the given transaction mutation function to all animations used within the view.

Declaration 宣言

func transaction(_ transform: @escaping (inout Transaction) -> Void) -> some View

Return Value 戻り値

A view that wraps this view and applies a transformation to all transactions used within the view.

Parameters パラメータ


The transformation to apply to transactions within this view. このビュー内のトランザクションに適用する変形。

Discussion 議論

Use this modifier to change or replace the animation used in a view. Consider three identical animations controlled by a button that executes all three animations simultaneously:

  • The first animation rotates the “Rotation” Text view by 360 degrees.

  • The second uses the transaction(_:) modifier to change the animation by adding a delay to the start of the animation by two seconds and then increases the rotational speed of the “Rotation\nModified” Text view animation by a factor of 2.

  • The third animation uses the transaction(_:) modifier to replace the rotation animation affecting the “Animation\nReplaced” Text view with a spring animation.

The following code implements these animations:

struct TransactionExample: View {
    @State var flag = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 50) {
            HStack(spacing: 30) {
                                            self.flag ? 360 : 0))

                                            self.flag ? 360 : 0))
                    .transaction { view in
                        view.animation =

                                            self.flag ? 360 : 0))
                    .transaction { view in
                        view.animation = .interactiveSpring(
                            response: 0.60,
                            dampingFraction: 0.20,
                            blendDuration: 0.25)

            Button("Animate") {
                withAnimation(.easeIn(duration: 2.0)) {

Use this modifier on leaf views such as Image or Button rather than container views such as VStack or HStack. The transformation applies to all child views within this view; calling transaction(_:) on a container view can lead to unbounded scope of execution depending on the depth of the view hierarchy.

See Also 参照
