var absoluteString : String
The absolute string for the URL.
var baseURL : URL?
The base URL.
var fragment: String?
The fragment component of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのフラグメント構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var host: String?
The host component of a URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのホスト構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var lastPathComponent : String
The last path component of the URL, or an empty string if the path is an empty string.
var path: String
The path component of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise an empty string.
URLのパス構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければ空文字列。
var pathComponents : [String]
The path components of the URL, or an empty array if the path is an empty string.
var pathExtension : String
The path extension of the URL, or an empty string if the path is an empty string.
var port: Int?
The port component of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのポート構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var query: String?
The query of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのクエリ、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var relativePath : String
The relative path of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLの相対パス、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var relativeString : String
The relative portion of a URL.
var scheme: String?
The scheme of the URL.
var standardized: URL
A version of the URL with any instances of “..” or “.” removed from its path.
URLのある変形版、それのパスから “..” または “.” のあらゆる出現を取り除いた状態で。
var standardizedFileURL : URL
A standardized version of the path of a file URL.
var user: String?
The user component of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのユーザ構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。
var password: String?
The password component of the URL if the URL conforms to RFC 1808 (the most common form of URL), otherwise nil.
URLのパスワード構成要素、もしそのURLがRFC 1808(URLの最も一般的な形式)に準拠するならば、そうでなければnil。