- dragImageForRows:event:dragImageOffset:
Computes and returns an image to use for dragging.
- setAutoresizesAllColumnsToFit:
Controls whether the table view proportionally resizes its columns to fit when its superview’s frame changes.
- autoresizesAllColumnsToFit
if the table view proportionally resizes its columns to fit when its superview’s frame changes, NO
if it only resizes the last column.- selectColumn:byExtendingSelection:
Selects the column at the specified index, optionally extending any existing selection.
- selectRow:byExtendingSelection:
Selects a row at the specified index, optionally extending any existing selection.
- drawsGrid
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the table view draws a grid.
- shouldFocusCell:atColumn:row:
Returns whether the fully prepared cell at the specified row and column can be made the focused cell.
- performClickOnCellAtColumn:row:
Performs a click action on the cell at the specified row and column.
- preparedCellAtColumn:row:
Returns the fully prepared cell that the table view will use for drawing or processing of the specified row and column.
- columnsInRect:
Returns a range of indexes for the table view’s columns that lie wholly or partially within the horizontal boundaries of the specified rectangle.
- textShouldBeginEditing:
Queries the delegate to determine if the text should begin editing.
- textDidBeginEditing:
Posts an
to the default notification center.- textDidChange:
to the edited cell and posts an NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
to the default notification center.- textShouldEndEditing:
Validates the text object for the cell being edited by querying the delegate.queries the delegate using
, returning the delegate’s response if it responds to that method.- textDidEndEditing:
Updates the data source based on the newly edited value and selects another cell for editing if possible according to the character that ended editing (Return, Tab, Backtab).