Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
The element that should be split upon.
The maximum number of times to split the collection, or one less than the number of subsequences to return. If maxSplits + 1 subsequences are returned, the last one is a suffix of the original collection containing the remaining elements. maxSplits must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is Int.max.
コレクションを分割する回数の最大限度、または返される下位シーケンスの数より1つ少ないもの。maxSplits + 1の下位シーケンスが返されるならば、最後のものは、残りの要素を含んでいる元コレクションの後ろ部分です。maxSplitsは、ゼロより大きいか等しくなければなりません。省略時の値は、Int.maxです。
If false, an empty subsequence is returned in the result for each consecutive pair of separator elements in the collection and for each instance of separator at the start or end of the collection. If true, only nonempty subsequences are returned. The default value is true.falseならば、このコレクション中の連続するseparator要素の対それぞれに、そしてコレクションの始めと終わりのseparatorインスタンスそれぞれに、1つの空の下位シーケンスが結果において返されます。trueならば、空でない下位シーケンスだけが返されます。省略時の値は、trueです。
Return Value
An array of subsequences, split from this collection’s elements.
The resulting array consists of at most maxSplits + 1 subsequences. Elements that are used to split the collection are not returned as part of any subsequence.
結果の配列は、多くともmaxSplits + 1の下位シーケンスから成ります。コレクションを分割するのに使われる要素らは、どれかの下位シーケンスの一部として返されません。
The following examples show the effects of the maxSplits and omittingEmptySubsequences parameters when splitting a string at each space character (” “). The first use of split returns each word that was originally separated by one or more spaces.splitの最初の利用は、各単語を返します、それはもともと1つ以上の空白で隔てられています。
let line ="BLANCHE: I don't want realism. I want magic!"print(line.split(separator: " "))// Prints "["BLANCHE:", "I", "don\'t", "want", "realism.", "I", "want", "magic!"]"
The second example passes 1 for the maxSplits parameter, so the original string is split just once, into two new strings.
print(line.split(separator: " ", maxSplits: 1))// Prints "["BLANCHE:", " I don\'t want realism. I want magic!"]"
The final example passes false for the omittingEmptySubsequences parameter, so the returned array contains empty strings where spaces were repeated.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain the same elements in the same order.
Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents a consecutive integer starting at zero and x represents an element of the sequence.
ペア (n, x) のシーケンスを返します、そこでnはゼロで開始する連続した数を表して、xはシーケンスの要素を表します。
Returns the concatenated elements of this sequence of sequences, inserting the given separator between each element.
Returns a subsequence, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the collection.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in another sequence.