func contains(Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence contains the given element.
func dropFirst (Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence containing all but the given number of initial elements.
func dropLast (Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence containing all but the specified number of final elements.
func elementsEqual <OtherSequence>(OtherSequence) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain the same elements in the same order.
func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents a consecutive integer starting at zero and x represents an element of the sequence.
ペア (n, x) のシーケンスを返します、そこでnはゼロで開始する連続した数を表して、xはシーケンスの要素を表します。
func index(after: IndexSet.RangeView.Index) -> IndexSet.RangeView.Index
Returns the index in the range after the specified one.
func index(before: IndexSet.RangeView.Index) -> IndexSet.RangeView.Index
Returns the index in the range before the specified one.
func joined<Separator>(separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns the concatenated elements of this sequence of sequences, inserting the given separator between each element.
func makeIterator () -> IndexingIterator<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns an iterator over the indexes of this range view.
func prefix(through: Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence from the start of the collection through the specified position.
func prefix(upTo : Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence from the start of the collection up to, but not including, the specified position.
func reversed() -> ReversedCollection<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a view presenting the elements of the collection in reverse order.
func split(separator: Range<IndexSet.Element>, maxSplits : Int, omittingEmptySubsequences : Bool) -> [Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>]
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
func starts<PossiblePrefix>( with: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in another sequence.
func suffix(Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence, up to the given maximum length, containing the final elements of the collection.
func suffix(from: Int) -> Slice<IndexSet.RangeView>
Returns a subsequence from the specified position to the end of the collection.