var allObjects : [Any]
An array containing the set’s members, or an empty array if the set has no members.
func anyObject () -> Any?
Returns one of the objects in the set, or
if the set contains no objects.
func filtered(using: NSPredicate) -> Set<AnyHashable>
Evaluates a given predicate against each object in the receiving set and returns a new set containing the objects for which the predicate returns true.
func member(Any) -> Any?
Determines whether a given object is present in the set, and returns that object if it is.
func objectEnumerator () -> NSEnumerator
Returns an enumerator object that lets you access each object in the set.
func enumerateObjects ((Any, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)
Executes a given block using each object in the set.
func enumerateObjects (options: NSEnumerationOptions, using: (Any, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)
Executes a given block using each object in the set, using the specified enumeration options.
func objects(passingTest : (Any, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Set<AnyHashable>
Returns a set of objects that pass a test in a given block.
func objects(options: NSEnumerationOptions, passingTest : (Any, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Set<AnyHashable>
Returns a set of objects that pass a test in a given block, using the specified enumeration options.