Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Publishes the progress object for other processes to observe it. 進捗オブジェクトを他のプロセスに対して出版することでそれを監視します。

Declaration 宣言

func publish()

Discussion 議論

Entries in the user info dictionary determine whether another process can discover the progress object to observe it, and how it does that. For example, a fileURLKey entry makes a progress object discoverable by corresponding invokers of addSubscriber(forFileURL:withPublishingHandler:). The system constrains access to the published progress URL with your app sandbox. If you can’t see the file due to the app’s sandbox restrictions, you can’t observe the progress on it.

When you make a progress object observable by other processes, you must ensure that at least localizedDescription, isIndeterminate, and fractionCompleted always work when you send proxies of your progress object in other processes. You make isIndeterminate and fractionCompleted work by accurately setting the total and completed unit counts of the progress. You make localizedDescription work by setting the value of the kind property to something valid, like file, and then fulfilling the requirements for that kind of progress.

You can instead set the value of localizedDescription directly, but that’s not perfectly reliable because other processes might be using a different localization than yours.

You can publish an instance of Progress one time only.

See Also 参照

Reporting Progress to Other Processes 進捗を他のプロセスに報告する