Instance Property インスタンスプロパティ


A localized description of tracked progress for the receiver. レシーバに対する追跡される進捗のローカライズされた記述。

Declaration 宣言

var localizedDescription: String! { get set }

Discussion 議論

If you don’t specify your own custom value for this property, Progress uses the value of the kind property to determine how to use the values of other properties, as well as values in the user info dictionary, to return an automatically computed string. If it fails to do that, it returns an empty string. それがそうすることに失敗するならば、それは空の文字列を返します。

The localizedDescription represents a general description of the work the receiver tracks. Depending on the kind of progress, the completed and total unit counts, and other parameters, localized descriptions resemble the following:

  • Copying 10 files…

  • 30% completed

  • Copying “TextEdit”…

By default, Progress is KVO-compliant for this property. It sends notifications on the same thread that updates the property.

See Also 参照

Reporting Progress 進捗を報告する