class NSUserActivity
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate
Availability 有効性
This sample app searches for Apple Store locations and shows them on a map. The user can choose a store’s map annotation to see its address and mark it as a favorite. As the user changes visible regions or inspects individual stores, the app uses Handoff to share these activities with the user’s other devices. If the user changes devices, they can use Handoff to launch the app and return to what they were doing on the original device. この見本のアプリは、アップルストアの場所を検索してそれらを地図上に示します。ユーザは、あるストアのもつ地図注釈を選んで、その住所を見たりそれをお気に入りとして印できます。ユーザが可視領域を変更するまたは個々のストアを調べるとき、アプリはHandoffを使ってそれらアクティビティをユーザのもつ他のデバイスで共有します。ユーザがデバイスを替えるならば、彼ら彼女らはHandoffを使ってアプリを起動して彼ら彼女らが元のデバイス上でしていたことに戻れます。
The sample project builds for both macOS and iOS, so you can run it on a Mac, iPhone, and iPad. The project does not contain a watchOS or tvOS app. 見本プロジェクトは、macOSとiOSの両方に対してビルドします、なのであなたはそれをMac、iPhone、そしてiPad上で実行できます。プロジェクトは、watchOSまたはtvOSアプリを含みません。
must be run on actual devices; the iOS version cannot run in Simulator.
To configure your Mac to run the sample code project, open System Preferences and do the following: あなたのMacを構成設定して見本コードプロジェクトを実行するには、システム環境設定を開いて以下を行ってください:
In Bluetooth settings, click Turn Bluetooth On. Bluetooth設定において、「Bluetooth を入りにする」をクリックします。
In iCloud settings, verify that you are signed into iCloud. If you are not, click Sign In and enter your Apple ID and password. iCloud設定において、あなたがiCloudにサインインすることを確かめます。あなたがしてないならば、「サインイン」をクリックしてあなたのApple IDとパスワードを入力します。
In General settings, select “Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices”. 「一般」設定において、「この Mac と iCloud デバイス間での Handoff を許可」をクリックします。
To configure your iOS devices to run the sample code project, open the Settings app and do the following: あなたのiOSデバイスを構成設定して見本コードプロジェクトを実行するには、「設定」アプリを開いて以下を行ってください:
In Bluetooth settings, tap to turn on Bluetooth. Bluetooth設定において、タップしてBluetoothを入りにします。
In the user banner at the top of Settings, tap to sign in with your Apple ID if you haven’t already. 「設定」の上部でのユーザバナーにおいて、タップしてあなたのApple IDでサインインします、もしあなたが既にそうしていないならば。 Then tap to turn on iCloud.
In General settings, tap to turn on Handoff. 「一般」設定において、タップしてHandoffを入りにします。
To configure the sample code project so that it can run on your devices, open the Handoff
project in Xcode and do the following:
Select the Handoff
project at the top of the Project Navigator, select the Handoff
target, select the “General” tab, and change the Bundle Identifier to a unique value, such as one that uses your organization’s name instead of com
プロジェクトをProject Navigatorの上部で選択します、Handoff
ターゲットを選びます、“General” タブを選択します、そしてBundle Identifierを特有な値に変更します、たとえばあなたの組織名を使うものなどをcom
With the Handoff
project still selected in the Project Navigator, select the Handoff
target, select the “General” tab, and change the Bundle Identifier to the same value you used in the previous step.
が依然としてProject Navigatorにおいて選択された状態で、Handoff
ターゲットを選びます、“General” タブを選びます、そしてBundle Identifierをあなたが前の段階で使ったのと同じ値に変更します。
To run the macOS version, build the Handoff
target, and run it locally, or copy the application file from the Products
folder to another Mac and run it there.
To run the iOS version, build the Handoff
target and run it on one of your connected iOS devices.
You implement Handoff by determining specific activities that a user can perform in your app, and whose state you can reproduce on a second device. The sample app has two user activities: あなたはHandoffの実装を、ユーザがあなたのアプリにおいて実行できる特定のアクティビティを、そしてあなたが第2のデバイス上で再現可能なそれの状態を決定することによって行います。この見本アプリは、2つのユーザアクティビティを持ちます:
Viewing a map region. ある地図領域を眺める。
Viewing the details of a specific Apple Store and editing its “favorite” value. 特定のアップルストアの詳細を眺める、そしてそれの “お気に入り” 値を編集する。
Note 注意
Be aware that your app usually has other persistence and synchronization strategies in addition to Handoff. For example, the sample app uses an iCloud key-value store to keep track of which stores have been marked as favorites. This way, the favorites data is available to the app if you launch it outside of Handoff, such as from the macOS Dock or the iOS Home screen. あなたのアプリがたいていは他の永続および同期戦略をHandoffに加えて持つことを承知していてください。例えば、見本アプリはiCloudキー値格納を使ってどのストアがお気に入りとして印されているかを追跡し続けます。この方法、お気に入りデータは、アプリに利用可能です、もしあなたがそれをHandoffの外側で、たとえばmacOSのDockまたはiOSのホーム画面から起動するならば。
You use the app’s Info
to tell Handoff which activities your app can continue, by providing an entry with the key name NSUser
. The type of this entry is Array
, and each member is a String
representing a supported Handoff activity.
In the sample app, the macOS and iOS targets include the map-viewing
and store-editing
activities in their Info
At runtime, you represent a user activity with the NSUser
type. You initialize a user activity object with a string identifier, the same one used earlier in the Info
This object also has an is
property that exposes the activity to Handoff, and a user
dictionary containing data needed to recreate the app’s state on the receiving device.
In the sample app, the Map
manages two NSUser
instances: one each for the map-viewing
and store-editing
activities. When the map region changes, it sets the user
property (defined in NSView
for macOS and UIView
for iOS) to the map-viewing
activity. It makes this the current activity, replacing any other activity that may have previously been sent to Handoff, and sets needs
to true
, indicating that the activity has new data to send to remote devices.
userActivity = mapViewingActivity
mapViewingActivity.needsSave = true
Calling needs
on the view controller’s user
eventually results in a callback to the method update
, declared in UIResponder
on iOS and NSResponder
on macOS. This is the app’s opportunity to refresh the activity object’s user
before Handoff receives the activity.
The implementation in the sample app calls a convenience function update
, defined in an extension on NSUser
, to encode the map view’s MKCoordinate
into key-value entries in the user
func updateViewingRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion) {
let updateDict = [
NSUserActivity.regionSpanLatitudeKeyString: region.span.latitudeDelta,
NSUserActivity.regionSpanLongitudeKeyString: region.span.longitudeDelta]
addUserInfoEntries(from: updateDict)
When you move to another device, macOS or iOS indicates that a Handoff activity is available. macOS displays a Handoff icon at the beginning of the Dock, with a badge indicating the type of source device. On iOS, the Handoff banner appears at the bottom of the screen in the app switcher, showing the app and source device name. あなたが別のデバイスに移る時、macOSやiOSは、Handoffアクティビティが利用可能であることを指し示します。macOSは、HandoffアイコンをDockの初めの部分で、元のデバイスの種類を指し示しているバッジとともに表示します。iOSでは、HandoffバナーはAppスイッチャーの画面下で現れて、アプリと元のデバイスの名前を示します。
When you launch the app using the Handoff prompts, the system calls methods in UIApplication
(iOS) or NSApplication
(macOS) to provide the Handoff activity. The application(_:
method provides the activity, along with a completion handler that you call with an array of view controllers that can handle the activity. The implementation in the iOS app delegate just finds and passes the first view controller, an instance of Map
(iOS) またはNSApplication
(macOS) において呼び出してHandoffアクティビティを提供します。application(_:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
guard let topNav = application.keyWindow?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController,
let mapVC = topNav.viewControllers.first as? MapViewController else {
return false
return true
The implementation in the macOS app delegate is similar, except that it traverses the key window’s hierarchy, rather than the iOS navigation controller stack: macOSアプリ委任先における実装は似ていますが、それがキーウインドウのもつ階層を辿っていくことが異なります、iOSナビゲーションコントローラスタックではなくて:
func application(_ application: NSApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
restorationHandler: @escaping ([NSUserActivityRestoring]) -> Void) -> Bool {
guard let mapVC = application.keyWindow?.windowController?.contentViewController as? MapViewController else {
return false
return true
The view controllers receive the NSUser
in the restore
method. Map
inspects the activity to determine whether it is the map-viewing or the store-editing activity, and then updates the UI as needed. The map-viewing activity case resets the map region, by creating a new MKCoordinate
from the values in the user
func viewingRegion() -> MKCoordinateRegion? {
guard let centerLatitude = userInfo?[NSUserActivity.regionCenterLatitudeKeyString] as? CLLocationDegrees,
let centerLongitude = userInfo?[NSUserActivity.regionCenterLongitudeKeyString] as? CLLocationDegrees,
let spanLatitude = userInfo?[NSUserActivity.regionSpanLatitudeKeyString] as? CLLocationDegrees,
let spanLongitude = userInfo?[NSUserActivity.regionSpanLongitudeKeyString] as? CLLocationDegrees else {
return nil
return MKCoordinateRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: centerLatitude,
longitude: centerLongitude),
span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: spanLatitude,
longitudeDelta: spanLongitude))
In the case of the store-editing activity, the view controller also retrieves the store’s URL and location coordinates from the user
. The app waits until the map adds a MKAnnotation
for the store being edited, so it knows where to anchor the popover.
The NSUser
class has a delegate
property of type NSUser
. This notifies the originating device when you continue an activity on another device. The originating device can use this to clean up its own UI state.
In the sample app, tapping a pin for an Apple Store shows a popover with details about the store and a switch (iOS) or checkbox (macOS) to mark the store as a favorite. The Map
represents this activity as the store
property, and sets itself as the activity’s delegate. When you continue editing on a second device, the delegate on the originating device receives a notification that this activity has been continued, and dismisses its own popover.
func userActivityWasContinued(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
if let detailVC = presentedViewController as? StoreDetailViewController,
userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivity.storeEditingActivityType {
detailVC.dismiss(animated: true)
Note 注意
Not all apps need to update the state of the originating app. In the sample app, dismissing the popover is meant as a gentle reminder to not make simultaneous edits from two devices. This is neither explicitly prohibited nor supported in the sample. 全てのアプリが元のアプリの状態の更新を必要とするわけではありません。見本アプリでは、ポップオーバーの退出は、2つのデバイスから同時に編集させないための穏やかな注意としての意味を持ちます。これは、明示的に禁止されません、しかしこの見本アプリではサポートされません。
class NSUserActivity
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate