class NSUserActivity
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate
Use Handoff to transfer activities the user starts on one iOS, watchOS, or macOS device to a different device. For example, a vector graphics app on macOS can send details about an in-progress editing action to the user’s iPhone so that editing can continue there. Handoffを使ってさまざまなアクティビティ、あるiOS、watchOS、またはmacOSデバイス上のさまざまなユーザ状態を、異なるデバイスに転送します。例えば、macOS上のあるベクターグラフィックアプリは、進行中の編集行動についての詳細を、そのユーザのもつiPhoneに送信できます、そうしてその編集はそこで継続できます。
You implement Handoff in your app by: あなたは、Handoffをあなたのアプリにおいて以下によって実装します:
Representing user activities as instances of NSUser
Updating the activity instances as the user performs actions in your app. アクティビティインスタンスを、ユーザがあなたのアプリにおいてさまざまな動作を実行するにつれて更新する。
Receiving activities from Handoff in your app on other devices. アクティビティを別のデバイス上のあなたのアプリにおいてHandoffから受け取る。
Important 重要
To handoff between apps on different platforms, your apps must share the same developer Team ID. This means you must either distribute your apps through the App Store, or sign them with the same credentials. 異なるプラットホーム上のアプリ間で手渡し(handoff)するには、あなたのアプリそれらは同じ開発者Team IDを共有しなければなりません。これは、あなたがあなたのアプリそれらをApp Storeを通して配布するか、またはそれらを同じ資格情報で署名するかのどちらかでなければなりません。
Start by identifying which activities make sense to use with Handoff. Choose activities that represent what the user is doing at some point in time, like creating a shape or editing document properties. Choose a universally-unique identifier string for each of your activities, using a reverse-DNS pattern, like com
You use your app’s Info
file to declare that your app can receive an activity from Handoff. Create a new top-level entry in this file with the key NSUserActivityTypes and with the type Array
. Each member of the array should be a String
whose value is one of your activity identifiers. The following example shows the Info
XML source of a NSUser
entry that declares three activities that the app can continue:
Your app doesn’t need to send and receive the same set of identifiers on all platforms. For example, you might have a large macOS app and a suite of smaller iOS apps. In this case, the macOS app might handle all your activities, while each iOS app would handle a subset of these activities. Also, while watchOS can send user activities, it cannot receive them, so watchOS apps don’t declare an NSUser
Your app can have many activities, each of which has different details to send to Handoff. Identify what information you’ll need to recreate the activity on the receiving device. Be careful to only include the transient details of the user activity, and not any information that the app needs to store permanently. For example, if a user is working on a document, the activity should indicate the document—and possibly what part of the document—the user is editing. Don’t include the document itself as part of the activity, since the user could launch your app without Handoff, such as by tapping or clicking its app icon. Instead, use techniques like iCloud Drive to share documents between the user’s devices. あなたのアプリは、多くのアクティビティを持つことができ、そのそれぞれはHandoffに送信する異なる詳細を持ちます。アクティビティを受け手側デバイス上で回復するのにどんな情報をあなたは必要とするかを明確にしてください。ユーザアクティビティの一過性の詳細だけを含むように、そしてアプリが永続的に格納する必要があるどんな情報も含まないように、気をつけて下さい。例えば、ユーザがある書類上で作業しているならば、アクティビティはユーザが編集している書類 — そしてことによると書類の何かの部分 — を指し示すべきです。書類それ自体をアクティビティの一部として含まないでください、ユーザはあなたのアプリをHandoffなしで起動できるので、たとえばそのアプリアイコンをタップやクリックすることによって。代わりに、iCloud Driveのようなテクニックを使ってユーザのもつデバイス間で書類を共有してください。
At runtime, create instances of NSUser
for each of your app’s activities. Use the same identifier strings that you used in the Info
to indicate which activities your app can continue.
The NSUser
class contains a user
dictionary that you use to recreate the activity on other devices. The activity type also has a required
property that you populate with the minimal set of dictionary keys to make the activity restorable. The activity also contains a user-readable title
property that you should set. If the activity also supports search, the system displays this title in the search results.
let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: "com.example.myapp.create-shape")
activity?.isEligibleForHandoff = true
activity?.requiredUserInfoKeys = ["shape-type"]
activity.title = NSLocalizedString("Creating shape", comment: "Creating shape activity")
The NSResponder
(macOS) and UIResponder
(iOS) classes define a user
property. Since NSView
and UIView
are subclasses of these responder types, you can set this property to represent the activity the controller is managing. Your app can share a single activity across multiple view controllers. Conversely, if a single view controller supports multiple activities, you can reassign the view controller’s user
to different NSUser
instances as needed.
As your user interacts with your app, update the user activity to save the state of their interaction. If you have set the user
property of a responder, the system automatically calls its update
(iOS) or update
(macOS) method. Override this method to write new values to the activity’s user
The keys and values you use in user
must be of the types NSArray
, NSData
, NSDate
, NSDictionary
, NSNull
, NSNumber
, NSSet
, NSString
, or NSURL
(or their Swift-bridged equivalents). Create a dictionary with any data needed to recreate the activity on the other device, then call add
to update the activity. It’s also a good idea to provide a key-value pair that versions the dictionary itself. That way, you can change the activity’s dictionary representation later and be able to detect incompatible versions.
override func updateUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity) {
if activity.activityType == "com.example.myapp.create-shape" {
let updateDict: [AnyHashable : Any] = [
"shape-type" : currentShapeType(),
"activity-version" : 1
activity.addUserInfoEntries(from: updateDict)
Transfer as small a payload in the user
as possible, keeping the total size under 3KB. If you must transfer more data than this, use continuation streams to connect the two devices directly (see Working with Continuation Streams).
When the user launches your app from Handoff on another device, the app receives callbacks to methods in its application delegate. You implement these methods to accept the activity and restore its state in your app. 別のデバイス上でユーザがあなたのアプリをHandoffから起動する場合、アプリはそれのアプリケーション委任先におけるメソッドそれらへのコールバックを受け取ります。あなたは、これらメソッドを実装することで、アクティビティを受け入れて、それの状態をあなたのアプリにおいて回復します。
After launching your app, Handoff calls the application(_:
method of UIApplication
(iOS), or application(_:
method of NSApplication
(macOS). Implement this method by updating your UI to indicate to your user that it is receiving the activity from the other device. If Handoff fails for some reason, the system calls application(_:
(iOS), or application(_:
Note 注意
While watchOS can create NSUser
objects and send them to other devices, Handoff cannot launch watchOS apps.
Handoff provides the activity to your app in the application(_:
(iOS), or application(_:
(macOS) delegate method. Implement the method by creating an array of view controllers that need to update for the activity, and provide this array to the completion handler. Return true
if your implementation successfully handled the activity, or false
if it did not. The following example shows an iOS app delegate finding its top view controller and providing it to the completion handler.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
guard let topNav = application.keyWindow?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController,
let shapesVC = topNav.viewControllers.first as? MyShapesViewController else {
return false
return true
Each view controller provided to the completion handler in the previous step receives a call to its restore
(iOS), or restore
(macOS) method. Use this method to update the view controller’s state to match the state of the originating device. If you have several activity types, use the activity
to determine which activity you are handling. Then, get the values from the activity’s user
dictionary to update the view controller’s state.
override func restoreUserActivityState(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) { super.restoreUserActivityState(userActivity)
guard userActivity.activityType == "com.example.myapp.create-shape",
let type = userActivity.userInfo?["shape-type"] as? String,
let version = userActivity.userInfo?["activity-version"] as? Int,
version >= 1 else {
createShape(type: type)
For URLs transferred in the user
dictionary, you must first call start
and it must return true
before you can access the URL. Call stop
when you finish using the URL. Also be aware that the system modifies file:
URLs pointing to iCloud documents, so that they point to the same document on the receiving device.
class NSUserActivity
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate