class func sleep(until: Date)
class func sleep(forTimeInterval : TimeInterval)
func cancel()
Availability 有効性
class func exit()
This method uses the current
class method to access the current thread. Before exiting the thread, this method posts the NSThread
with the thread being exited to the default notification center. Because notifications are delivered synchronously, all observers of NSThread
are guaranteed to receive the notification before the thread exits.
Invoking this method should be avoided as it does not give your thread a chance to clean up any resources it allocated during its execution. このメソッドを発動することは回避されるべきです、それが、あなたのスレッドにその遂行の間にそれが配分されたあらゆるリソースを片付ける機会を与えないときは。
class func sleep(until: Date)
class func sleep(forTimeInterval : TimeInterval)
func cancel()
class var current: Thread