Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether receiver is considered to be “like” a given string when the case of characters in the receiver is ignored. レシーバの中の文字の大文字小文字等が無視される場合に、与えられた文字列に「似ている」とレシーバが見なされるかどうかを指し示すブール値を返します。

Declaration 宣言

func isCaseInsensitiveLike(_ object: String) -> Bool

Parameters パラメータ


The string with which to compare the receiver. レシーバと比較する文字列。

Return Value 戻り値

true if the receiver is considered to be “like” aString when the case of characters in the receiver is ignored, otherwise false.

Discussion 解説

Currently, isCaseInsensitiveLike(_:) messages are never sent to any object from within Cocoa itself.

The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject returns false. NSString also provides an implementation of this method, which returns true if the receiver matches a pattern described by aString, ignoring the case of the characters in the receiver.

See Also 参照

Performing comparisons 比較を実行する