func accessibilityAttributeNames () -> [NSAccessibility.Attribute]
Returns an array of attribute names supported by the receiver.
func accessibilityAttributeValue (NSAccessibility.Attribute) -> Any?
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the receiver.
func accessibilityAttributeValue (NSAccessibility.ParameterizedAttribute, forParameter : Any?) -> Any?
Returns the value of the receiver's parameterized attribute corresponding to the specified attribute name and parameter.
func accessibilityActionDescription (NSAccessibility.Action) -> String?
Returns a localized description of the specified action.
func accessibilityActionNames () -> [NSAccessibility.Action]
Returns an array of action names supported by the accessibility element.
func accessibilityArrayAttributeCount (NSAccessibility.Attribute) -> Int
Returns the count of the specified accessibility array attribute.
func accessibilityArrayAttributeValues (NSAccessibility.Attribute, index: Int, maxCount : Int) -> [Any]
Returns a subarray of values of an accessibility array attribute.
func accessibilityIndex (ofChild : Any) -> Int
Returns the index of the specified accessibility child in the parent.
func accessibilityIsAttributeSettable (NSAccessibility.Attribute) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the value for the specified attribute in the receiver can be set.
func accessibilityIsIgnored () -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver should be ignored in the parent-child accessibility hierarchy.
func accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames () -> [NSAccessibility.ParameterizedAttribute]
Returns a list of parameterized attribute names supported by the receiver.
func accessibilityPerformAction (NSAccessibility.Action)
Performs the action associated with the specified action.
func accessibilitySetOverrideValue (Any?, forAttribute : NSAccessibility.Attribute) -> Bool
Overrides the specified attribute in the receiver or adds it if it does not exist, and sets its value to the specified value.
func accessibilitySetValue (Any?, forAttribute : NSAccessibility.Attribute)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the receiver to the specified value.
func fileManager (FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError : [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Bool
object sends this message to its handler for each error it encounters when copying, moving, removing, or linking files or directories. func fileManager (FileManager, willProcessPath : String)
object sends this message to a handler immediately before attempting to move, copy, rename, or delete, or before attempting to link to a given path.func finalize()
The garbage collector invokes this method on the receiver before disposing of the memory it uses.
func fontManager (Any, willIncludeFont : String) -> Bool
Requests permission from the Font panel delegate to display the given font name in the Font panel.
func namesOfPromisedFilesDropped (atDestination : URL) -> [String]?
Returns the names of the files that the receiver promises to create at a specified location.
func textStorageDidProcessEditing (Notification)
func workflowController (AMWorkflowController, didError : Error)
Invoked when the receiver's workflow encounters an error.
func workflowController (AMWorkflowController, didRun : AMAction)
Invoked when an action in the receiver's workflow is finished running.
func workflowController (AMWorkflowController, willRun : AMAction)
Invoked when an action in the receiver's workflow is about to run.
func workflowControllerDidRun (AMWorkflowController)
Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object finished running.
func workflowControllerDidStop (AMWorkflowController)
Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object has stopped.
func workflowControllerWillRun (AMWorkflowController)
Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object is about to run.
func workflowControllerWillStop (AMWorkflowController)
Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object is about to stop.