

Creates a gauge showing a value within a range and that describes the gauge’s purpose and current value.

Declaration 宣言

init<V>(value: V, in bounds: ClosedRange<V> = 0...1, label: () -> Label, currentValueLabel: () -> CurrentValueLabel) where BoundsLabel == EmptyView, MarkedValueLabels == EmptyView, V : BinaryFloatingPoint

Parameters パラメータ


The value to show on the gauge.


The range of the valid values. Defaults to 0...1.


A view that describes the purpose of the gauge.


A view that describes the current value of the gauge.

Discussion 議論

Use this method to create a gauge that displays a value within a range you supply with labels that describe the purpose of the gauge and its current value. In the example below, a gauge using the circular style shows its current value of 67 along with a label describing the (BPM) for the gauge:

struct SimpleGauge: View {
    @State private var current = 67.0

    var body: some View {
        Gauge(value: currrent, in: 0...170) {
        } currentValueLabel: {

A screenshot showing a circular gauge describing heart rate in beats