Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Create an Accessibility Rotor replacing the specified system-provided Rotor.

Declaration 宣言

func accessibilityRotor<EntryModel>(_ systemRotor: AccessibilitySystemRotor, entries: [EntryModel], entryLabel: KeyPath<EntryModel, String>) -> some View where EntryModel : Identifiable

Parameters パラメータ


The system-provided Rotor that will be overridden by this custom Rotor.


An array of identifiable values that will be used to generate the entries of the Rotor. The identifiers of the Identifiable values must match up with identifiers in a ForEach or explicit id calls within the ScrollView. When the user navigates to entries from this Rotor, SwiftUI will automatically scroll them into place as needed.


Key path on the Identifiable type that can be used to get a user-visible label for every Rotor entry. This is used on macOS when the user opens the list of entries for the Rotor.

Discussion 議論

An Accessibility Rotor is a shortcut for Accessibility users to quickly navigate to specific elements of the user interface, and optionally specific ranges of text within those elements.

Using this modifier requires that the Rotor be attached to a ScrollView, or an Accessibility Element directly within a ScrollView, such as a ForEach.

In the following example, a Message application creates a Rotor allowing users to navigate to the headings in its vertical stack of messages.

// `messageListItems` is a list of `Identifiable` `MessageListItem`s
// that are either a `Message` or a heading, containing a `subject`.
// `headingMessageListItems` is a filtered list of
// `messageListItems` containing just the headings.
ScrollView {
    LazyVStack {
        ForEach(messageListItems) { messageListItem in
            switch messageListItem {
                case .heading(let subject):
                case .message(let message):
.accessibilityElement(children: .contain)
    .heading, entries: headingMessageListItems, label: \.subject)