init(bitmapRepresentation : Data)
init?(contentsOfFile : String)
object encoding the receiver in binary format.
Availability 有効性
var bitmapRepresentation: Data
{ get }
This format is suitable for saving to a file or otherwise transmitting or archiving. この書式設定は、ファイルの保存またはそうでなければ送信またはアーカイブに適します。
A raw bitmap representation of a character set is a byte array with the first 2^16 bits (that is, 8192 bytes) representing the code point range of the the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), such that the value of the bit at position n represents the presence in the character set of the character with decimal Unicode value n. A bitmap representation may contain zero to sixteen additional 8192 byte segments to for each additional Unicode plane containing a character in a character set, with each 8192 byte segment prepended with a single plane index byte. ある文字集合の生のビットマップ表現は、基本多言語面(BMP)のコードポイント範囲を表している、最初の 2^16 ビット(すなわち、8192バイト)を持つバイト配列です、例えば位置nでのビットの値は10進数ユニコード値nを持つ文字の文字集合の中の存在を表します。あるビットマップ表現は、0から16の追加の8192バイト区分を、ある文字集合の中のある文字を含んでいる各追加ユニコード面ごとに含むかもしれません、各8192バイト区分で単一の面インデックスバイトを前に付けて。
For example, a character set containing only Basic Latin (ASCII) characters, which are contained by the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP, plane 0), has a bitmap representation with a size of 8192 bytes, whereas a character set containing both Basic Latin (ASCII) characters and emoji characters, which are contained by the Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP, plane 1), has a bitmap representation with a size of 16385 bytes (8192 bytes for BMP, followed by the byte 0x01
for the plane index of SMP, followed by 8192 bytes for SMP).
To test for the presence of a character in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) with decimal Unicode value n in a raw bitmap representation, you might do the following: 基本多言語面(BMP)の中の10進数ユニコード値nを持つある文字の存在を生のビットマップ表現においてテストするには、あなたは以下を行うかもしれません:
unsigned char bitmapRep[8192];
if (bitmapRep[n >> 3] & (((unsigned int)1) << (n & 7))) {
/* Character is present. */
init(bitmapRepresentation : Data)
init?(contentsOfFile : String)