Type Method 型メソッド


A persistent spring animation. When mixed with other spring() or interactiveSpring() animations on the same property, each animation will be replaced by their successor, preserving velocity from one animation to the next. Optionally blends the response values between springs over a time period. 永続的ばねアニメーション。他のspring()またはinteractiveSpring()アニメーションとこの同じプロパティ上で混ぜ合わされる場合、各アニメーションはそれらの後継によって繰り返されます、1つのアニメーションから次のものへと速度を保全することによって。ある期間を越えるばね間で反応値を随意に調和させます。

Declaration 宣言

static func spring(response: Double = 0.55, dampingFraction: Double = 0.825, blendDuration: Double = 0) -> Animation

Return Value 戻り値

a spring animation. ばねアニメーション。

Parameters パラメータ


The stiffness of the spring, defined as an approximate duration in seconds. A value of zero requests an infinitely-stiff spring, suitable for driving interactive animations.


The amount of drag applied to the value being animated, as a fraction of an estimate of amount needed to produce critical damping.


The duration in seconds over which to interpolate changes to the response value of the spring.

See Also 参照

Getting Spring Animations