Guides and Sample Code


Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)

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Build a Basic UI

This lesson gets you familiar with Xcode, the tool you use to write apps. You’ll become familiar with the structure of a project in Xcode and learn how to navigate between and use basic project components. In the lesson, you’ll start making a simple user interface (UI) for the FoodTracker app and view it in the simulator. When you’re finished, your app will look something like this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_sim_finalUI_2x.png

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a project in Xcode

  • Identify the purpose of key files that are created with an Xcode project template

  • Open and switch between files in a project

  • Run an app in iOS Simulator

  • Add, move, and resize UI elements in a storyboard

  • Edit the attributes of UI elements in a storyboard using the Attributes inspector

  • View and rearrange UI elements using the outline view

  • Preview a storyboard UI using the Assistant editor’s Preview mode

  • Use Auto Layout to lay out a UI that automatically adapts to the user’s device size
    Auto Layout(自動レイアウト、自動配置)を使ってユーザーのデバイス(機器)の大きさに自動的に適応するUIを設置する

Create a New Project

Xcode includes several built-in app templates for developing common types of iOS apps, such as games, apps with tab-based navigation, and table view-based apps. Most of these templates have preconfigured interface and source code files. For this lesson, you’ll start with the most basic template: Single View Application.
Xcodeは、いくつかの組み込みのアプリテンプレート(アプリひな形)を、一般的な種類のiOSアプリ、例えばゲーム、タブに基づくナビゲーションを持つアプリ、およびテーブルビューに基づくアプリなどの開発のために含んでいます。これらのひな形のほとんどは、あらかじめ構成されたインターフェイスとソースコード・ファイルを持ちます。このレッスンでは、あなたは最も基本的なひな形:Single View Application(ビューが1つだけのアプリケーション)で始めます。

To create a new project

  1. Open Xcode from the /Applications directory.

    If this is the first time you’ve launched Xcode, it may ask you to agree to the user agreement and to download additional components. Follow the prompts through these screens until Xcode is completely set up and ready to launch.

    As soon as Xcode launches, the welcome window appears.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_welcomewindow_2x.png

    If a project window appears instead of the welcome window, don’t worry—you probably created or opened a project in Xcode previously. Just use the menu item in the next step to create the project.

  2. In the welcome window, click “Create a new Xcode project” (or choose File > New > Project).
    Welcomeウインドウにおいて、「Create a new Xcode project」をクリックしてください(または「File > New > Project」を選んでください)。

    Xcode opens a new window and displays a dialog in which you choose a template.

  3. Select iOS at the top of the dialog.

  4. In the Application section, select Single View Application and then click Next.
    「Application」セクションにおいて、Single View Applicationをクリックして、それからNextをクリックしてください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_singleviewapp_template_2x.png
  5. In the dialog that appears, use the following values to name your app and choose additional options for your project:

    • Product Name: FoodTracker

      Xcode uses the product name you entered to name your project and the app.

    • Team: If this is not automatically filled in, set the team to None.

    • Organization Name: The name of your organization or your own name. You can leave this blank.

    • Organization Identifier: Your organization identifier, if you have one. If you don’t, use com.example.

    • Bundle Identifier: This value is automatically generated based on your product name and organization identifier.

    • Language: Swift

    • Devices: Universal

      A Universal app is one that runs on both iPhone and iPad.

    • Use Core Data: Unselected.
      Core Dataの使用:非選択。

    • Include Unit Tests: Selected.

    • Include UI Tests: Unselected.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_newproject_2x.png
  6. Click Next.

  7. In the dialog that appears, select a location to save your project and click Create.

    Xcode opens your new project in the workspace window.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_workspacewindow_2x.png

In the workspace window, you may or may not see an error icon with a message that says “Signing for FoodTracker requires a development team.” This warning means you haven’t set up Xcode for iOS development yet, but don’t worry, you can complete these lessons without doing that. You do not need a development team to run the app in the simulator.

Get Familiar with Xcode

Xcode includes everything you need to create an app. It organizes all the files and resources that go into creating an app. It provides editors for both your code and your user interfaces. Also, Xcode lets you build, run, and debug your app—providing simulators for iOS devices and a powerful integrated debugger.
Xcodeは、あなたがアプリを作成するのに必要なものすべてを含んでいます。それは、アプリの作成に従事するすべてのファイルとリソースを組織化します。それは、あなたのコードとあなたのユーザインターフェイス両方のためのエディタを提供します。また、Xcodeはあなたにあなたのアプリのビルド、実行、そしてデバッグを行わせます — iOSデバイスのためのシミュレータおよび強力なインタラクティブデバッガを提供します。

Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the main sections of the Xcode workspace. You’ll use the areas identified in the window below throughout the lessons. Don’t be overwhelmed by all of the pieces; each area is described in more detail when you need to use it.

image: ../Art/BBUI_workspacewindow_callouts_2x.png

Run iOS Simulator

Because you based your project on an Xcode template, the basic app environment is automatically set up for you. Even though you haven’t written any code, you can build and run the Single View Application template without any additional configuration.
あなたは、Xcodeひな形をもとにあなたのプロジェクトを構築したので、基本的なアプリ環境は自動的にあなたの代わりに準備されます。あなたが1つもコードを書かなかったとしても、あなたはSingle View Applicationひな形をビルドして実行することが、追加の何らかの構成なしにできます。

To build and run your app, use the iOS Simulator app that’s included in Xcode. The simulator gives you an idea of how your app would look and behave if it were running on a device.
あなたのアプリをビルドして実行するには、iOS Simulatorアプリを使ってください、それはXcodeに含まれます。シミュレータは、あなたのアプリがどう見えるだろうかそしてそれがデバイス上で動作していたならばどう振る舞うかの見解をあなたに与えます。

The simulator can model a number of different types of hardware—All the screen sizes and resolutions for both iPad and iPhone—so you can simulate your app on every device you’re developing for. In this lesson, use the iPhone 7 option.
シミュレータは、多くの異なる型のハードウェアをモデル化することができます — iPadとiPhone両方の画面サイズと解像度のすべて — それであなたはあなたのアプリをあなたが開発しているあらゆるデバイス上でシミュレートできます。このレッスンでは、iPhone 7オプションを使ってください。

To run your app in the simulator

  1. In the Scheme pop-up menu in the Xcode toolbar, choose iPhone 7.
    XcodeツールバーのSchemeポップアップメニューにおいて、iPhone 7を選んでください。

    The Scheme pop-up menu lets you choose which simulator or device you’d like to run your app on. Make sure you select the iPhone 7 Simulator, not an iOS device.
    Schemeポップアップメニューは、あなたがあなたのアプリを実行したいと思うのはどのデバイスまたはシミュレータかをあなたに選ばせます。あなたが、iOSデバイスではなく、iPhone 7シミュレータを選択するのを確かめてください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_schememenu_2x.png
  2. Click the Run button, located in the top-left corner of the Xcode toolbar.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_toolbar_2x.png

    Alternatively, choose Product > Run (or press Command-R).
    または代わりに、Product > Runを選んでください(またはCommandキー + R)。

    If you’re running an app for the first time, Xcode asks whether you’d like to enable developer mode on your Mac. Developer mode allows Xcode access to certain debugging features without requiring you to enter your password each time. Decide whether you’d like to enable developer mode and follow the prompts.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_developermode_2x.png

    If you choose not to enable developer mode, you may be asked for your password later on. These lessons assume developer mode is enabled.

  3. Watch the Xcode toolbar as the build process completes.

    Xcode displays messages about the build process in the activity viewer, which is in the middle of the toolbar.

After Xcode finishes building your project, the simulator starts automatically. It may take a few moments to start up the first time.

The simulator opens in the iPhone mode you specified and then launches your app. Initially, the simulator displays your app’s launch screen, and then it transitions to your app’s main interface. In an unmodified Single View Application template, the launch screen and the main interface are identical.
シミュレータは、まさしくあなたが指定したようにiPhoneモードで開きます、それからあなたのアプリを起動します。初めに、シミュレータはあなたのアプリの起動画面を表示します、それからそれはあなたのアプリのメインインターフェイスへ移行します。変更なしのSingle View Applicationテンプレートでは、起動画面とメインインターフェイスは同一です。

image: ../Art/BBUI_sim_blank_2x.png

Right now, the Single View Application template doesn’t do much—it just displays a white screen. Other templates have more complex behavior. It’s important to understand a template’s uses before you extend it to make your own app. Running your app in the simulator with no modifications is a good way to start developing that understanding.
今のところ、Single View Applicationひな形(テンプレート)は、大したことはしません—それはただ白い画面を表示するだけです。他のひな形は、もっと複雑なふるまいをします。あるひな形の用途を、独自アプリ作成のためにあなたがそれを拡張する前に理解することは大切です。あなたのアプリをシミュレータで変更なしで実行してみるのは、よく理解して開発を始めるのによい方法です。

Quit the simulator by choosing Simulator > Quit Simulator (or pressing Command-Q).
シミュレータを、Simulator > Quit Simulatorを選ぶ(またはCommadキー + Qを押す)ことで終了してください。

Review the Source Code

The Single View Application template comes with a few source code files that set up the app environment. First, take a look at the AppDelegate.swift file.
Single View Applicationひな形は、いくつかのソースコードファイルを備えています、それはアプリ環境を準備します。最初に、AppDelegate.swiftファイルを見てみましょう。

To look at the AppDelegate.swift source file

  1. Make sure the project navigator is open in the navigator area.

    The project navigator displays all the files in your project. If the project navigator isn’t open, click the leftmost button in the navigator selector bar. (Alternatively, choose View > Navigators > Show Project Navigator.)
    プロジェクトナビゲータは、あなたのプロジェクト内のすべてのファイルを表示します。プロジェクトナビゲータが開いていないならば、ナビゲータ選択バーの中の一番左のボタンをクリックしてください。(または代わりに、View > Navigators > Show Project Navigatorを選んでください。)

    image: ../Art/BBUI_projectnavigator_2x.png
  2. If necessary, open the FoodTracker folder in the project navigator by clicking the disclosure triangle next to it.

  3. Select AppDelegate.swift.

    Xcode opens the source file in the main editor area of the window.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_appdelegate_file_2x.png

    Alternatively, double-click the AppDelegate.swift file to open it in a separate window.

The App Delegate Source File

The AppDelegate.swift source file has two primary functions:

  • It defines your AppDelegate class. The app delegate creates the window where your app’s content is drawn and provides a place to respond to state transitions within the app.

  • It creates the entry point to your app and a run loop that delivers input events to your app. This work is done by the UIApplicationMain attribute (@UIApplicationMain), which appears toward the top of the file.

    Using the UIApplicationMain attribute is equivalent to calling the UIApplicationMain function and passing your AppDelegate class’s name as the name of the delegate class. In response, the system creates an application object. The application object is responsible for managing the life cycle of the app. The system also creates an instance of your AppDelegate class, and assigns it to the application object. Finally, the system launches your app.

The AppDelegate class is automatically created whenever you create a new project. Unless you are doing something highly unusual, you should use this class provided by Xcode to initialize your app and respond to app-level events. The AppDelegate class adopts the UIApplicationDelegate protocol. This protocol defines a number of methods you use to set up your app, to respond to the app’s state changes, and to handle other app-level events.

The AppDelegate class contains a single property: window.

  1. var window: UIWindow?

This property stores a reference to the app’s window. This window represents the root of your app’s view hierarchy. It is where all of your app content is drawn. Note that the window property is an optional, which means it may have no value (be nil) at some point.

The AppDelegate class also contains stub implementations of the following delegate methods:

  1. func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool
  2. func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication)
  3. func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication)
  4. func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication)
  5. func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication)
  6. func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication)

These methods let the application object communicate with the app delegate. During an app state transition—for example, app launch, transitioning to the background, and app termination—the application object calls the corresponding delegate method, giving your app an opportunity to respond. You don’t need to do anything special to make sure these methods get called at the correct time—the application object handles that job for you.

Each of the delegate methods has a default behavior. If you leave the template implementation empty or delete it from your AppDelegate class, you get the default behavior whenever that method is called. Alternatively, you can add your own code to the stub methods, defining custom behaviors that are executed when the methods are called.

The template also provides comments for each of the stub methods. These comments describe how these methods can be used by your app. You can use the stub methods and comments as a blueprint for designing many common app-level behaviors.

In this lesson, you won’t be using any custom app delegate code, so you don’t have to make any changes to the AppDelegate.swift file.

The View Controller Source File

The Single View Application template has another source code file: ViewController.swift. Select ViewController.swift in the project navigator to view it.
Single View Applicationひな形は、もう一つソースコードファイル:ViewController.swiftを持ちます。ViewController.swiftをプロジェクトナビゲータにおいて選択してそれを眺めてください。

image: ../Art/BBUI_viewcontroller_file_2x.png

This file defines a custom subclass of UIViewController named ViewController. Right now, this class simply inherits all the behavior defined by UIViewController. To override or extend that behavior, you override the methods defined on UIViewController.

As you can see in the ViewController.swift file, the template’s implementation overrides both the viewDidLoad() and didReceiveMemoryWarning() methods; however, the template’s stub implementation doesn’t do anything yet, except call the UIViewController version of these methods. You can add your own code to customize the view controller’s response to these events.

Although the template comes with the didReceiveMemoryWarning() method, you won’t need to implement it in these lessons, so go ahead and delete it.

At this point, your ViewController.swift code should look something like this:

  1. import UIKit
  2. class ViewController: UIViewController {
  3. override func viewDidLoad() {
  4. super.viewDidLoad()
  5. // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. (何らかの追加の準備をビューを、大抵はnibからロードした後で行います)
  6. }
  7. }

You’ll start writing code in this source code file later in this lesson.

Open Your Storyboard

You’re ready to start working on a storyboard for your app. A storyboard is a visual representation of the app’s user interface, showing screens of content and the transitions between them. You use storyboards to lay out the flow—or story—that drives your app. You see exactly what you're building while you’re building it, get immediate feedback about what’s working and what’s not, and make instantly visible changes to your user interface.

To open your storyboard

  • In the project navigator, select Main.storyboard.

    Xcode opens the storyboard in Interface Builder—its visual interface editor—in the editor area. The background of the storyboard is the canvas. You use the canvas to add and arrange user interface elements.

Your storyboard should look similar to this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_storyboard_empty_2x.png

At this point, the storyboard in your app contains one scene, which represents a screen of content in your app. The arrow that points to the left side of the scene on the canvas is the storyboard entry point, which means that this scene is loaded first when the app starts. Right now, the scene that you see on the canvas contains a single view that’s managed by a view controller. You’ll learn more about the roles of views and view controllers soon.

When you ran your app in the iPhone 7 Simulator app, the view in this scene is what you saw on the device screen. However, the scene on the canvas may not have the same dimensions as the simulator’s screen. You can select the screen size and orientation at the bottom of the canvas. In this case, it’s set to iPhone 7 in a portrait orientation, so the canvas and the simulator are the same.
あなたがあなたのアプリをiPhone 7 シミュレータアプリで実行した場合、このシーンの中のビューはあなたがデバイス画面上で見たとおりです。しかしながら、キャンバス上のシーンはシミュレータの画面と同じ寸法を持たないでしょう。あなたは、画面のサイズと方向をキャンバスの一番下で選択できます。この場合には、それは縦向き方向のiPhone 7 に設定されます、それでキャンバスとシミュレータは同じになります。

Even though the canvas shows a specific device and orientation, it is important to create an adaptive interface—an interface that automatically adjusts so that it looks good on any device and in any orientation. As you develop your interface, you can change the canvas’s view, letting you see how your interface adapts to different size screens.
キャンバスが特定のデバイスと方向を示すとしても、重要なのは適応インターフェイス — 自動的に適応することでそれがあらゆるデバイスであらゆる方向においてふさわしく見えるインターフェイス — を作成することです。あなたがあなたのインターフェイスを開発するにつれて、あなたはキャンバスのビューを変更することができ、あなたのインターフェイスが異なるサイズの画面にどう適応するかをあなたが見れるようにします。

Build the Basic UI

It’s time to build a basic interface. You’ll start by working on a user interface for the scene that lets you add a new meal to your meal tracking app, FoodTracker.

Xcode provides a library of objects that you can add to a storyboard file. Some of these are elements that appear in the user interface, such as buttons and text fields. Others, such as view controllers and gesture recognizers, define the behavior of your app but don’t appear onscreen.

The elements that appear in the user interface are known as views. Views display content to the user. They are the building blocks for constructing your user interface and presenting your content in a clear, elegant, and useful way. Views have a variety of useful built-in behaviors, including displaying themselves onscreen and reacting to user input.

All view objects in iOS are of type UIView or one of its subclasses. Many UIView subclasses are highly specialized in appearance and behavior. Start by adding a text field (UITextField), one such subclass of UIView, to your scene. A text field lets a user type in a single line of text, which you’ll use as the name of a meal.

To add a text field to your scene

  1. Choose Editor > Canvas, and make sure Show Bounds Rectangles is selected.
    Editor > Canvasを選んでください、そしてShow Bounds Rectanglesが選択されることを確かめてください。

    This setting causes Interface Builder to draw a blue bounding box around all the views in the canvas. Many views and controls have transparent backgrounds, making it difficult to see their actual size. Layout bugs occur when the system resizes a view so that it’s either larger or smaller than you anticipate. Enabling this setting helps you understand exactly what’s going on in your view hierarchy.
    この設定は、Interface Builderにキャンバスの中のすべてのビューの周りに青い境界ボックスを描画させます。多くのビューとコントロールは、透明な背景を持ち、それがそれらの実際の大きさを知るのを難しくしています。レイアウトの欠陥は、システムがあるビューの大きさを変更するときに現れます、それゆえそれはあなたが予想するより大きいか小さいかのどちらかになります。この設定を有効にすることは、あなたのビュー階層がどうなっているかあなたが正確に理解する助けとなります。

  2. Open the Object library.

    The Object library appears at the bottom of the utility area on the right side of Xcode. If you don’t see the Object library, click its button, which is the third button from the left in the library selector bar. (Alternatively, choose View > Utilities > Show Object Library.)
    オブジェクトライブラリは、Xcodeの右側ユーティリティ区画の1番下に見えます。オブジェクトライブラリが見えないならば、それのボタンをクリックしてください、それはライブラリ選択バーの左から3番目のボタンです。(または代わりに、View > Utilities > Show Object Libraryを選びます)

    image: ../Art/object_library_2x.png

    A list appears showing each object’s name, description, and visual representation.

  3. In the Object library, type text field in the filter field to find the Text Field object quickly.
    オブジェクトライブラリにおいて、フィルタ欄(選り分け用単語の入力欄)にtext fieldをタイプしてText Field(テキスト欄)オブジェクトを素早く見つけましょう。

  4. Drag a Text Field object from the Object library to your scene.
    Text Fieldオブジェクトをオブジェクトライブラリからあなたのシーンへとドラッグしてください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_textfield_drag_2x.png

    If necessary, zoom in by choosing Editor > Canvas > Zoom.
    必要ならば、Editor > Canvas > Zoomを選んで拡大します。

  5. Drag the text field so that it’s positioned in the top half of the scene and aligned with the left margin in the scene.

    Stop dragging the text field when you see something like this:

    image: ../Art/BBUI_textfield_place_2x.png

    The blue layout guides help you place the text field. Layout guides are visible only when you drag or resize objects next to them; they disappear when you let go of the text field.

  6. If necessary, click the text field to reveal the resize handles.

    You resize a user interface element by dragging its resize handles, which are small white squares that appear on the element’s borders. You reveal an element’s resize handles by selecting it. In this case, the text field should already be selected because you just stopped dragging it. If your text field looks like the one below, you’re ready to resize it; if it doesn’t, select it on the canvas.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_textfield_resizehandles_2x.png
  7. Resize the left and right edges of the text field until you see three vertical layout guides: the left margin alignment, the horizontal center alignment, and the right margin alignment.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_textfield_finalsize_2x.png

Although you have the text field in your scene, there’s no instruction to the user about what to enter in the field. Use the text field’s placeholder text to prompt the user to enter the name of a new meal.

To configure the text field’s placeholder text

  1. With the text field selected, open the Attributes inspector image: ../Art/inspector_attributes_2x.png in the utility area.
    テキスト欄が選択された状態で、Attributesインスペクタimage: ../Art/inspector_attributes_2x.pngをユーティリティ区画で開いてください。

    The Attributes inspector appears when you click the fourth button from the left in the inspector selector bar. It lets you edit the properties of an object in your storyboard.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_inspector_attributes_2x.png
  2. In the Attributes inspector, find the field labeled Placeholder and type Enter meal name.
    Attributesインスペクタにおいて、Placeholderと表示される欄を見つけてEnter meal nameとタイプしてください。

  3. Press Return to display the new placeholder text in the text field.

Your scene should look similar to this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_textfield_withplaceholder_2x.png

While you’re editing the text field’s attributes, you can also edit the attributes of the system keyboard that’s displayed when a user selects the text field.

To configure the text field’s keyboard

  1. Make sure the text field is still selected.

  2. In the Attributes inspector , find the field labeled Return Key and select Done (scroll down if necessary).
    Attributesインスペクタにおいて、「Return Key」と表示のある欄を捜して「Done」を選択してください(必要なら下にスクロールしてください)。

    This change will make the default Return key on the keyboard more pronounced to the user by changing it into a Done key.

  3. In the Attributes inspector, select the Auto-enable Return Key checkbox (again, scroll down if necessary).
    Attributesインスペクタにおいて、「Auto-enable Return Key」チェックボックスを選択してください(再び、必要なら下にスクロールしてください)。

    This change makes it impossible for the user to tap the Done key before typing text into the text field, ensuring that users can never enter an empty string as a meal name.

The Attributes inspector should now show the following keyboard settings:

image: ../Art/BBUI_keyboardattributes_2x.png

Next, add a label (UILabel) at the top of the scene. A label isn’t interactive; it just displays static text in the user interface. To help you understand how to define interaction between elements in the user interface, you’ll configure this label to display the text the user enters into the text field. It’ll be a good way to test that the text field is taking the user input and processing it appropriately.

To add a label to your scene

  1. In the Object library, type label in the filter field to find the Label object quickly.

  2. Drag a Label object from the Object library to your scene.

  3. Drag the label so that it’s right above the text field and aligned with the left margin in the scene.

    Stop dragging the label when you see something like this:

    image: ../Art/BBUI_label_place_2x.png
  4. Double-click the label and type Meal Name.
    ラベルをダブルクリックしてMeal Nameと入力してください。

  5. Press Return to display the new text in the label.

Your scene should look something like this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_label_rename_2x.png

Now, add a button (UIButton) to the scene. A button is interactive, so users can tap it to trigger an action that you define. Later, you’ll create an action to reset the label text to a default value.

To add a button to your scene

  1. In the Object library, type button in the filter field to find the Button object quickly.

  2. Drag a Button object from the Object library to your scene.

  3. Drag the button so that it’s right below the text field and aligned with the left margin in the scene.

    Stop dragging the button when you see something like this:

    image: ../Art/BBUI_button_place_2x.png
  4. Double-click the button and type Set Default Label Text.
    このボタンをダブルクリックしてSet Default Label Textとタイプしてください。

  5. Press Return to display the new text in the button.

  6. Reposition the button, if necessary.

At this point, your scene should look something like this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_button_rename_2x.png

It’s good to understand how the elements you’ve added are actually arranged in the scene. Look at the outline view to see which user interface elements have been added to your scene.

To view the outline view

  1. In your storyboard, find the outline view toggle.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_outlineview_toggle_2x.png
  2. If the outline view is collapsed, click the toggle to expand the outline view.

    You can use the outline view toggle to collapse and expand the outline view as needed.

The outline view, which appears on the left side of the canvas, lets you see a hierarchical representation of the objects in your storyboard. You should be able to see the text field, label, and button you just added listed in the hierarchy. But why are the user interface elements you added nested under View?

Views not only display themselves onscreen and react to user input, they can serve as containers for other views. Views are arranged in a hierarchical structure called the view hierarchy. The view hierarchy defines the layout of views relative to other views. Within that hierarchy, views enclosed within a view are called subviews, and the parent view that encloses a view is called its superview. A view can have multiple subviews and only one superview.

image: ../Art/BBUI_outlineview_2x.png

In general, each scene has its own view hierarchy. At the top of each view hierarchy is a content view. In the current scene, the content view is named View, the top level view inside the View Controller. The text field, label, and button are subviews of the content view. All other views that you place in this scene will be subviews of this content view (although they themselves can have nested subviews).
一般に、各シーンはそれ自身のビュー階層を持ちます。各ビュー階層の最上部にはコンテンツビューがあります。現在のシーンにおいて、コンテンツビューは「View」、View Controller内のトップレベルビュー、と呼ばれます。テキスト欄、ラベル、そしてボタンは、コンテンツビューのサブビューです。あなたがこのシーンの中に置いた他の全てのビューは、このコンテンツビューのサブビューになります(けれどもそれら自身が入れ子にされたサブビューを持つことができます)。

Preview Your Interface

Preview your app periodically to check that everything is looking the way you expect. You can preview your app interface using the assistant editor, which displays a secondary editor side-by-side with your main one.

To preview your interface

  1. Click the Assistant button in the Xcode toolbar near the top right corner of Xcode to open the assistant editor.

    image: ../Art/assistant_editor_toggle_2x.png
  2. If you want more space to work, collapse the project navigator and utility area by clicking the Navigator and Utilities buttons in the Xcode toolbar.

    image: ../Art/navigator_utilities_toggle_on_2x.png

    You can also collapse the outline view.

  3. In the editor selector bar, which appears at the top of the assistant editor, switch the assistant editor from Automatic to Preview > Main.storyboard (Preview).
    アシスタントエディタの最上部にある、エディタ選択バーにおいて、アシスタントエディタをAutomaticからPreview > Main.storyboard(プレビュー)へ切り替えてください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_assistant_editorselectorbar_2x.png
    image: ../Art/BBUI_assistant_editorselectorbarpreview_2x.png

    As you see in the assistant editor, the preview looks almost identical to the canvas. However, this does not really tell you anything new. Both the canvas and the preview are showing the same size screen (iPhone 7) and the same orientation (portrait). If you want to check and see if your interface is adaptive, you need to preview different size screens and different orientations.
    あなたがアシスタントエディタで見ると、プレビューはキャンバスとほとんど同一に見えます。いずれにしても、これは実際あなたに何か変わったことを教えません。キャンバスとプレビューの両方とも、同じ大きさの画面(iPhone 7)と同じ方向(縦向き)を表示しています。あなたのインターフェイスが適応性を持つかどうかを見て確かめたいならば、あなたは異なる大きさの画面と異なる方向でプレビューする必要があります。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_preview_same_2x.png
  4. To preview the landscape orientation, click the Rotate button at the bottom of the preview.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_preview_rotatebutton_2x.png

    Unfortunately, things no longer look quite right. The text field, label, and button keep the same size and position relative to the screen’s upper left corner. This means that the text field no longer fills the screen from margin to margin.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_preview_rotated_2x.png
  5. To preview a different screen size, click the Add button at the bottom of the assistant editor, and select iPhone SE.
    異なる画面サイズをプレビューするには、Addボタンをアシスタントエディタの一番下でクリックして、iPhone SEを選んでください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_preview_addSE_2x.png

    Again, the text field, label, and button keep the same size and position relative to the screen’s upper left corner. This time, however, the text field extends past the screen’s right edge.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_preview_small_2x.png

To create an adaptive interface, you’ll need to specify how the interface should adjust to different screen sizes. For example, when the interface is rotated into a landscape orientation, the text field should grow. When the interface is displayed on an iPhone SE, the text field should shrink. You can specify these kinds of interface rules easily using Auto Layout.
適応インターフェイスを作成するには、あなたはどのようにインターフェイスが異なる画面サイズに適応すべきかを指定する必要があるでしょう。例えば、インターフェイスが横方向へと回転される場合、テキスト欄は伸びるべきです。インターフェイスがiPhone SE上で表示される場合、テキスト欄は縮まなければなりません。あなたはこれらの種類のインターフェイス規則を「自動レイアウト」(自動配置)を使って簡単に指定できます。

Adopt Auto Layout

Auto Layout is a powerful layout engine that helps you design adaptive layouts that dynamically respond to any changes to the scene’s size. You describe your layout using constraints—rules that explain where one element should be located relative to another, or what size the element should be. Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of each element based on these constraints.
自動レイアウトは強力なレイアウト機構です、それは、画面の大きさに対する何らかの変更に動的に応答する適応性のあるレイアウトをあなたが設計する手助けをします。あなたは、あなたのレイアウトをいくらかの制約 — ある要素が別のものとの関係から位置すべきところを、または要素がどんな大きさであるべきかを、説明する規則を使って記述します。自動レイアウトは、各要素の大きさと位置をそれらの制約に基づいて動的に計算します。

One of the easiest ways to define your layout is using a stack view (UIStackView). A stack view provides a streamlined interface for laying out a collection of views in either a column or a row. The stack view uses Auto Layout under the hood to calculate the size and position of all the views that it manages. This lets you easily access the full power of Auto Layout, while greatly reducing the complexity of your layout.

To adopt Auto Layout, wrap your existing interface elements in a stack view, and then add the constraints needed to position the stack view in the scene.

To add Auto Layout constraints to the meal scene

  1. Return to the standard editor by clicking the Standard button.

    image: ../Art/standard_toggle_2x.png

    Expand the project navigator and utility area by clicking the Navigator and Utilities buttons in the Xcode toolbar.

  2. While pressing the Shift key on your keyboard, select the text field, label, and button.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_shift_select_2x.png
  3. On the bottom right of the canvas, click the Embed In Stack button. (Alternatively, choose Editor > Embed In > Stack View.)
    キャンバスの右下で、Embed In Stackボタンをクリックしてください。(または代わりに、Editor > Embed In > Stack Viewを選んでください。)

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_stackmenu_2x.png

    Xcode wraps the user interface elements in a stack view, stacking them together. Xcode analyzes your existing layout to figure out that the items should stack vertically, not horizontally.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_stack_2x.png
  4. If necessary, open the outline view. Select the Stack View object.
    必要なら、アウトラインビューを開いてください。Stack Viewオブジェクトを選択してください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_outlineview_2x.png
  5. In the Attributes inspector, type 8 in the Spacing field. Press Return.

    You’ll notice the user interface elements space out vertically, and the stack view grows with them.

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_stackspaced_2x.png
  6. On the bottom right of the canvas, open the Add New Constraints menu.
    キャンバスの1番下右で、Add New Constraintsメニューを開いてください。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_pinmenu_2x.png
  7. Above “Spacing to nearest neighbor,” click the two horizontal constraints and the top vertical constraint to select them. They become red when they are selected.
    上の方の「Spacing to nearest neighbor(すぐ隣との間隔)」で、2つの水平制約と上部の垂直制約をクリックして、それらを選択してください。それらが赤くなったらそれらが選択されたということです。

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_pinconstraints_2x.png

    These constraints indicate spacing to the nearest leading, trailing, and top neighbors. In this context, the term nearest neighbor means the boundary of the closest user interface element, which can be the superview, another user interface element, or a margin. Because the “Constrain to margins” checkbox is selected, the stack view in this case will be constrained to the superview’s left and right margins. This provides space between the stack view and the edge of the scene.
    これらの制約は、最も近い前方、後方、そして上方の隣りとの間隔を示します。この文脈では、最も近い隣りという語は、隣接したユーザインターフェイス要素、それはスーパービュー、別のユーザインターフェイス要素、または余白であるかもしれません、の境界線を意味します。「Constrain to margins」チェックボックスが選択されているため、この場合のスタックビューは、それのスーパービューの左および右余白に対して制約されています。これは、スタックビューとこのシーンの端の間の空白を提供します。

    On the other hand, the top of the stack is constrained relative to the scene’s top layout guide. The top layout guide is positioned at the bottom of the status bar, if the status bar is visible. If not, it is positioned at the top of the scene. Therefore, you need to add a little space between the stack view and the layout guide.

  8. Type 0 in the left and right boxes, and type 20 spacing in the top box.

  9. In the pop-up menu next to Update Frames, choose Items of New Constraints. This causes Interface Builder to automatically update the frames of the affected views when you create the constraints.
    Update Framesに接するポップアップメニューで、項目New Constraintsを選んでください。これは、あなたが制約を作成する時に影響を受けるビューのフレームをInterface Builderに自動的に更新させます。

    The Add New Constraints menu should look something like this:
    Add New Constraintsメニューは、このように見えるはずです:

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_stackconstraints_2x.png
  10. In the Add New Constraints menu, click the Add 3 Constraints button.
    Add New Constraintsメニューにおいて、Add 3 Constraintsボタンをクリックしてください。

The meal scene user interface should look something like this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_stackfinal_2x.png

You’ll notice that the text field still isn’t stretching to the far edge of the scene. Add a constraint to fix that.

To adjust the text field width within the stack

  1. In your storyboard, select the text field in the meal scene.

  2. On the bottom right of the canvas, open the Add New Constraints menu again.
    キャンバスの1番下右で、Add New Constraintsメニューをふたたび開いてください。

    image: ../Art/AL_pinmenu_2x.png
  3. Above “Spacing to nearest neighbor,” click the right horizontal constraint to select it. It becomes red when it is selected.
    上の「Spacing to nearest neighbor」で、右横制約をクリックしてそれを選択します。それが赤くなったらそれが選択されたということです。

  4. Type 0 in the right box.

  5. In the pop-up menu next to Update Frames, choose Items of New Constraints.
    Update Framesに接するポップアップメニューで、項目New Constraintsを選んでください。

    The Add New Constraints menu should look something like this:
    Add New Constraintsメニューは、このように見えるはずです:

    image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_textfieldconstraint_2x.png
  6. In the Add New Constraints menu, click the Add 1 Constraint button.
    Add New Constraintsメニューにおいて、Add 1 Constraintボタンをクリックしてください。

The meal scene user interface should look something like this:

image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_textfieldfinal_2x.png

Checkpoint: Run your app in iOS Simulator. Rotate the simulator by choosing Hardware > Rotate Left and Hardware > Rotate Right (or Command-Left Arrow and Command-Right Arrow). Notice how the text field grows and shrinks to the appropriate size depending on the device’s orientation and screen size. Also notice that the status bar disappears in landscape orientation.
確認点:あなたのアプリをiOSシミュレータで実行してください。シミュレータをHardware > Rotate Left and Hardware > Rotate Rightを選ぶこと(またはCommand-Left ArrowおよびCommand-Right Arrow)によって回転させてください。どのようにテキスト欄が伸びたり縮んだりしてデバイスの方向や画面サイズ次第で適切な大きさになるかに注意してください。また横方向ではステータスバーが見えなくなることに注意してください。

Click inside the text field and enter text using the onscreen keyboard (if you’d like, you can use your computer’s keyboard by choosing Hardware > Keyboard > Connect Hardware Keyboard).
テキスト欄の内側をクリックしてテキストを画面上のキーボードを使って入力してください(あなたがそうしたいなら、あなたはあなたのコンビュータのキーボードをHardware > Keyboard > Connect Hardware Keyboardを選ぶことによって使うことができます)。

image: ../Art/BBUI_sim_finalUI_2x.png

Debugging Auto layout

If you don’t get the behavior you expect, use the Auto Layout debugging features to help you. These features can be accessed using the Update Frames button and Resolve Auto Layout Issues menu.
あなたが期待する挙動を得ないならば、あなたの助けとなる自動レイアウトデバッグ機能を使ってください。これらの機能は、Update FramesボタンとResolve Auto Layout Issuesメニューを使ってアクセスされることができます。

image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_resolvemenu_2x.png

If you are getting warnings about misplaced views, use the Update Frames button. This button updates the frames of the selected view and all of its subviews. Select the scene’s view controller to update all the views in the scene. You can also Option-click the Update Frames button to update only the selected view.
あなたが間違って設置されたビューについての警告を受けているならば、Update Framesボタンを使ってください。このボタンは、選択されたビューおよびそれの全てのサブビューのフレームを更新します。シーンのビューコントローラを選択することで、シーンの中の全てのビューを更新してください。あなたはまたUpdate Framesボタンをオプション-クリックすることで、選択されたビューのみを更新できます。

If the layout does not behave as you expect, click the Resolve Auto Layout Issues button to bring up a menu of debug commands. All the commands in this menu have two forms. One affects the currently selected view. The other affects all views in the current view controller. If all of the commands are grayed out, select the scene’s view controller or one of the views and open the menu again.
レイアウトがあなたが期待するように振舞わないならば、Resolve Auto Layout Issuesボタンをクリックすることでデバックコマンドのメニューを画面に出してください。このメニューのコマンド全ては、2つの形式を持ちます。1つは、現在選択されたビューに効果を及ぼします。もう1つは、現在のビューコントローラの中の全てのビューに影響します。コマンドの全てがグレイアウトされるならば、シーンの持つビューコントローラまたはビューのうちの1つを選択して、メニューを再び開いてください。

Choose Reset to Suggested Constraints to have Xcode update your interface with a valid set of constraints. Choose Clear Constraints to remove all constraints on the user interface elements, and then try following the previous instructions to set up the constraints again.
Reset to Suggested Constraintsを選択することで、Xcodeにあなたのインターフェイスを有効な制約ひとそろいで更新させてください。Clear Constraintsを選択することで、ユーザインターフェイス要素上の全ての制約を取り除いてください、そしてそれから前の指示に従って制約を再び設定してみてください。

image: ../Art/BBUI_AL_resolvemenu_small_2x.png

Wrapping Up

In this lesson, you’ve familiarized yourself with the contents of an Xcode project, and with many of the tools used to design and run an iOS app. You’ve also built a simple user interface.

Although the project’s scene doesn’t do much yet, the basic user interface is there and functional. Making sure your layout is robust and extensible from the start ensures that you have a solid foundation to build upon.